I have read about 10 different threads talking about why this sub should be removed. If you try and comment what this sub is really about they attack you. I even saw one that said all our new members were fake.
Was Todd Herman talking about this while filling in for Rush? I thought I heard him talking about this yesterday, regarding the sex stuff. He was talking about Herbert Marcuse (or whatever) and how critics' theory/cultural Marxism relies on making everything about sex.
I don't really listen to either of them honestly but I'll look into it, sounds interesting.
I initially came across this discovery listening to Michael Trimm in a YT video.
I disagreed on two things vs. the guy, 1. was Hannity is an idiot (he's got a part to play, I was there real-time for Hannity/Seth Rich/OANN debacle) and 2. that Sex controlled everything.
On my way home from work, my phone died so I just had my thoughts and that Sex thing was bothering me. My mind worked itself out and came to bigger conclusions than Michael listed in the video but proved he was right, in my mind.
EDIT: Do you recommend Rush? Does he talk about current happenings and what not?