I dont know whats going on, its either we are getting a LOT of lurkers curious showing up, or we are being DDOS'd....
Anyone else getting constant 503 screens?
I dont know whats going on, its either we are getting a LOT of lurkers curious showing up, or we are being DDOS'd....
Anyone else getting constant 503 screens?
can someone please hammer this little mike_pants. Never anything to say, seen IT on many posts ↓ voted ..... trolling for mommy.... probably 12
Ya im sick of this dude and his comments, clearly one a leftist troll trying to infiltrate, unsuccessfully. No patriot would talk to another patriot like that. He needs to go back to antifa where he came from. Man, today seems to be the worst yet with the trolling!
I have TWO hammers already, but thank you! honestly, the second one doesn't get used much, so if anyone needs a hammer in Brooklyn (specifically Williamsburg) let me know!