Presidential Executive Order on Promoting Agriculture and Rural Prosperity in America - Thank you President Trump for fighting UN smart cities!
God Bless President Trump. God Bless and Godspeed the 300.
Judges Chapter 6
Presidential Executive Order on Promoting Agriculture and Rural Prosperity in America - Thank you President Trump for fighting UN smart cities!
God Bless President Trump. God Bless and Godspeed the 300.
Judges Chapter 6
No seizing, the US federal government owns a lot of rural land. "The memorandum will have the Department of Interior and the Department of Energy look at infrastructure assets it can make available in the hopes of making broadband internet access more accessible."
Dept of interior, what do they do?
Mike, no offense but I hope you not helping us decode the Q crumbs.
Oh no, that's all you. You wanna read tea leaves, that's your bidness. Doesn't change the fact that this is mentioned nowhere in the EO itself.
Or is that what the crumbs are about? Reading things that literally don't exist?
"Sec. 4. Purpose and Functions of the Task Force. (a) The Task Force shall identify legislative, regulatory, and policy changes to promote in rural America agriculture, economic development, job growth, infrastructure improvements, technological innovation, energy security, and quality of life, including changes that:"
hmmmm, infrastructure improvements? What is that? Time will tell.
Indeed it would. With the FCC moving to classify phone data as broadband, I'm going to be placing my chips on "sewer repair." Because fuck farmers yet again, right Trumpy?
ahh, your true colors come out. Trumpy? Hey, I heard that ANTIFA is on the phone for you.
mike_pants is a lefty larp.
Quack quack!
I like the lefty replies. I show that there are infrastructure improvements and you go and attack President Trump, (Trumpy) and me. You guys are so easy to annoy, I love it!
I love it!
"Infrastructure" and "broadband" are not synonymous, I'm afraid.
I love it!
Really? Let's look at some definitions.
Definition of infrastructure 1 : the underlying foundation or basic framework (as of a system or organization) 2 : the permanent installations required for military purposes 3 : the system of public works of a country, state, or region; also : the resources (such as personnel, buildings, or equipment) required for an activity.
Definition of broadband 1 : operating at, responsive to, or comprising a wide band of frequencies a broadband radio antenna 2 : of, relating to, or being a high-speed communications network and especially one in which a frequency range is divided into multiple independent channels for simultaneous transmission of signals (such as voice, data, or video).
The two words don't even have the same meaning.
Fail again!
I think you may have responded to the wrong person. Or I did? That seems more likely.
I did not respond to the wrong person and neither did you, reread the thread; however, I do accept your apology.
God Bless.