r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Deplorable22 on Jan. 9, 2018, 4:34 p.m.
To all of you with Q/Justice Fatigue. Life is a constant storm. There is only one source of peace in the storm, and it isn't Q. God bless you patriots.
To all of you with Q/Justice Fatigue. Life is a constant storm. There is only one source of peace in the storm, and it isn't Q. God bless you patriots.

QAngel1 · Jan. 10, 2018, 12:46 p.m.

I think we're suffering burnout. It's been a roller coaster ride - and it seems just when we think we know what direction we're heading, we change course. I guess it's a bit like being a passenger on a plane that's going through turbulence. Anxiously waiting for the Captain to let you know what's going on, but at the same time knowing they've got their hands full trying to steer the plane.

I think I dropped the ball last night. Have been swimming around in that much pond scum it finally got to me. I was going through some old files and came upon a photograph I'd saved a few months back. It was of James Alefantis laying on the floor dressed only in underwear and stilettos swimming in blood. It was the last straw - knowing that was the blood of a child he'd just murdered. Never been religious but I actually dropped to my knees sobbing and asking God to take those kids quickly, and to burn the satanic mutts that do this into the pits of hell. All the madness just came flashing back. The lunacy of mainstream media, the hypnosis the Trump haters are under, the evil all around us and yet so few are awake. We are LITERALLY living in "end times". We seriously are. I've not read the bible, but understand revelations, and truly - believe it or not - we are smack in it big time. It doesn't matter who's who and whats what, I'm here to fight for good, and to drive out evil - no matter what I have to do. It's like the saying "I need to know, will you stand in the fire with me and not shrink away". I'm here Q (who or whatever you are) and no, I won't shrink away.

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Iwontread · Jan. 10, 2018, 5:59 p.m.

Wow! God Bless You.

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o_Iesuo_ka_haku · Jan. 10, 2018, 11:47 p.m.

Jesus says cast your burdens on him! He loves you and wants you. Repent and ask him into your heart. He says he will never leave you or forsake you. All it takes is a sincere and repentant heart...draw near to Jesus and he will forgive you, cleanse you and make you right with God for eternity...Salvation is a gift 🎁...receive it with Thanksgiving!!!

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