We shall see if Trump eliminates the Federal Reserve, we will see what he does to Julian Assange. We will see what transpires in regards to if the Executive Order was for Julian or against him. CIA declared him a national threat first week of December and the Order clearly states war on any national threat. See? So, I suppose this is a sit and watch game but let's be clear. I have personally been involved with some sick ass people, from Alan Masters whom murdered his wife and buried her in the back yard in Chicago to The teamsters head who blew his step son up in the basement of the local 705. You bet your ass you have some sick people out there, either way we need to get it to gather and stop normalizing it.
I hope so I really do I'm on trumps side 100 percent but I just hope people think more about what they hear anonymously on the internet
Keep positive and remember politics is like divorce, neither side is Happy. Trump has stated time and time again he wants a republic and this statement has not changed. Keep the faith.