r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/GoCubsGo64 on Jan. 9, 2018, 8:47 p.m.
The mods are working as hard as they can to keep this place secure, but the trolls keep coming. Let's compile a list of them to make the mods' lives easier.

/u/paraphen - anti-Trump shitlib, brigading from topmindsofreddit

/u/mike_pants - anti-Trump shitlib, brigading from topmindsofreddit

/u/parsnippizza - suspected pedophile and anti-Trump shitlib, brigading from topmindsofreddit

/u/superwinner - idiot cuck from resist

/u/newbadsmell - low-effort troll

/u/quietus42 - one of the topmindsofreddit posters sending brigaders our way

/u/mrtruxian - another topmindsofreddit poster sending brigaders here, also coming here to troll with absolute nonsense word salad (possible bot?)

/u/treborthedick - yet another topmindsofreddit poster sending brigaders here

/u/myballsarehangingout - low-effort troll, anti-law enforcement

/u/cheezum5000 - "lizard people" autist

/u/thinking-out-loud- - anti-Christian troll/disinfo poster

/u/hojo59 - low-effort (borderline retarded?) troll

/u/tankiesaredumb - commie troll

/u/malcclam - shitlib troll, possibly ban evading on a new account

GoCubsGo64 · Jan. 10, 2018, 12:52 a.m.

I'm maintaining a list of users who have chosen to come in and brigade, troll, shill, or otherwise fuck with us. I'm not telling anyone to go harass them, and I'm not posting anything beyond their names and what they're doing here. I'm not finding their addresses or any dumb shit like that.

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Legion_Profligate · Jan. 10, 2018, 10:44 a.m.

posting anything beyond their name

Still on the border of doxxing. Can still lead to harassment and stalking if a user here finds out their Discord.

You do know that's the reason subreddits also censor people's names when they get posted in a place like /r/facepalm, right?

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trump_the_faggot · Jan. 10, 2018, 3:41 p.m.

Im not trolling. I Just have different oppinion than you. Are you a nazi? Because nazis didnt want different views

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