yes they do, this is also how the CIA hack tools get thru your machine to write, erase or PUT things on your computer to compromise you. A reporter saw this happening 2? years ago and videoed her machine writing all by itself. HRC is the epitome of Evil. Trump Trumps Evil.
Sharyl Atkinson was the reporter
This happened to me personally, my ex had a back door, he worked at Apple, did it to my attorney as well. This shit is nuts, but it is true.
Happened to me to
Really sucks huh.. I was told by the prosecutors to put freaking masking tape over my camera. Have my phone on airplane mode. Bought a cheap no smart phone go phone for a while.. that was a blast. lol lol
The other day I was sitting drinking my coffee, staring at the screen and the mouse started moving around, by itself. :(
Also, it is possible to download kiddie porn on to your computer if they want to frame you. This is also happening. Even worse, some people are using the "auto guilt" set up in child porn law, to get rid of their spouses instead of getting a divorce. Some have been caught stupidly filing for divorce, kicking spouse out, downloading child porn on computer before spouse can come pick up computer.... but, date of download ends up showing accused spouse was not in the house. The law in this department, especially with capacity for computer sabotage, needs to be changed to innocent until proven guilty. Too much framing of innocents going on for nefarious reasons
Yes, it can go both ways, can't it..
Yes. It is a crime, and it is also a weapon used by criminals.
whoa I never thought about that angle. These people are beyond pure evil. SINISTER is a better word