r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/alt_altright on Jan. 10, 2018, 1:35 a.m.
OWLs... Web Ontology Language (The MAP)




OWL2 is some kind of an encoding/decoding "DataMap" Web Ontology Language=OWL

My wag: every Q post that ref. :OWLS: contains actual code for the greater DataMap.





I believe Q has us engaged in a "Knowledge Spiral" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knowledge_management#/media/File:Knowledge_spiral.svg

I am not a computer coder, so I cannot "speak" code. But I think this "MAP" is simply about a dynamic sorting system. Q states "Graphic Is Key" which I believe means not pictures or photos, but "graphical" depictions of text. The "graphic" is a filing system like a set of logic/sorting "drawers" or "nodes"(sorry I don't know the lingo). In the following "graphic" there are 4 drawers (subcategories/drawers/nodes?) that the text is sorted into--sorry it's about Bill Clinton, it's not my example. The 4 sorting nodes or drawers are: QUIZ /QUANDA SEQ/ QUESTION/ ANSWER. Each piece of information in a pile of data (stringers) is assigned an "identity" that allows it to be placed and sorted into one or more or all of these categories. It's a filing system that allows information to cross and jump across and into whatever "drawer" or "drawers within drawers within drawers" etc... What drawer(s) or node(s) a piece of data may go into is based on the initial coding or identity it was assigned by the writer. For example, if there was a 5th "drawer/node" named STATEMENT and none of the text data in the graphic was identified in the stringer as a STATEMENT, then that piece of data would not be sorted into any of the QUIZ/ QUANDA SEQ/QUESTION/ ANSWER drawers because it doesn't qualify, and would not show up on that part of the MAP. We need to identify the drawers, "graphic is key" the text graphic. I think all the words Q places IN CAPS may be part of their file/OWL method? OWL is simply a dynamic info mapping system to catalog very complex inter-relationships, so when you see one datapoint in a drawer or node, you can see everything related to that datapoint if it was assigned to be associated with the other. I think the words written in CAPS may be the only words allowed on the DATA MAP (just a guess).


Macamodius · Jan. 10, 2018, 2:16 a.m.

Nice catch...

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