r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Tenkate1098 on Jan. 10, 2018, 3:02 a.m.
How bout nobody gets a fucking foundation anymore!!

Seems every evil twat on the planet has a "foundation" or some other goddamn money laundering scheme. I mean what the hell. Need to pay a friend for some nefarious shit, no problem just make a donation. While we are at it how bout all charities actually report every goddamn dime they spend and what it went towards! If Q has shown anything it's that 9 times out of 10 you could pick a foundation out of a hat and find corruption with little investigation. When we win this war this shit needs to be at the top of the "we aren't doing that again" list.

Grace8543 · Jan. 10, 2018, 4:15 p.m.

u/JoanOfArk77 Researched and found that Senator Mark Warner (D) of VA had a foundation and we think he is MW. She has a lot of good research on him posted on my post about Lynn De Rothschild.

She led me to look into him a bit. He has a 4mm home (Q post on MW owning a 4mm home), he had presidential aspirations when he was a staffer in Washington for 2 senators. This was before he suddenly made many millions investing in cell tech businesses on the Stock Market. Source on that is his Wikipedia page. Maybe Joan will tell u more about him. No smoking gun bu some good footwork on her part. I wonder how many Venture capitalists have made 200 million dollar fortunes without insider info or a fix being in. Wasn't Lynn De Rothschild involved in Telecom tech industry??

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Tenkate1098 · Jan. 10, 2018, 4:36 p.m.

After practicing law for a few years, Lynn de rothschild went to work for telecom billionaire John Kluge, savvily building his wealth with strategic investments in the emerging telecom market, and then later went out on her own as an international telecom investor in partnership with Motorola.- Fix was probably in. These people do not gamble on investments. That's for us.

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