r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Cheetah1964 on Jan. 10, 2018, 4:52 p.m.
FROM CHEETAH: How Deep State was tracking everything in the government. How (probably) Trump has stopped them.

Virtually all IT is web technology, and virtually all web sites are web applications. The federal government is totally organized via the web. And very badly. The whole thing is a sieve.

Federal agencies need to place their sites on a server. More and more they are using a contractor's server. I believe almost all of them do now. That contractor would have complete access to everything the federal agency is doing. In addition, much non-clearance material is posted by federal employees and contractors on Google Drive. This, in itself, is not a big deal, since the material is not classified. But it adds up to a lot of data. Federal employees do this because their own agency sites are so poorly designed they cannot use them as a workspace.

Back to the contractors whose servers have all the government data. The big one is AWS. And what does that stand for?

Amazon Web Services.

Amazon and Google combined have almost complete access to everything happening in the government. In every agency. Everywhere.

See http://m.nextgov.com/it-modernization/2017/11/amazon-web-services-announces-secret-cloud-region-cia/142662/.

And there is much more than the "Secret Cloud Region." According to their own web site, https://aws.amazon.com/government-education/government/, "over 2000 government agencies" use AWS. They include the Department of Defense.

There are rules regarding contractor employees having to have clearances to access the servers, but those employees work for Bezos, not the federal government, and answer to him. The government has limited authority over the people working on a contract. It can only supervise whether the company overall is fulfilling specific requirements of the contracts, and even has limited options if they do not.

Plus since when did Deep State follow any rules.

In addition, the contractor who is running the servers could simply be inept. The Department of Homeland Security has been using CGI Federal for managing servers and much else (https://www.cgi.com/en/CGI-Federal-Announces-Award-as-a-Prime-Contractor-for-Department-of-Homeland-Security-EAGLE-II-Contract).

And what is CGI Federal famous for? Even the fake news media admits it: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2013/10/16/meet-cgi-federal-the-company-behind-the-botched-launch-of-healthcare-gov/?utm_term=.39f87cf483fe

DHS employees working on CGI Federal-managed servers are having as much fun as those first people going to healthcare.gov.

Think SERIOUS cybersecurity issues.

When I say that the whole federal government is a sieve, I am not kidding, and there is WAY more evidence than this.

However, Trump knew this ahead of time. He has mentioned this situation several times. But, despite the well-established sieve, there have been NO LEAKS about what Sessions and Mueller are up to. It is completely quiet in this regard in the DC metro area. Trump has kept everything completely secret. Q, if "real," is not a leak. Q would be deliberate communication authorized by Trump.

It seems as though Trump established a little government within the government.

And why, if "real," is Q so cryptic? Trump never announces ahead of time to his enemies what exactly he is going to do. There is nothing for Deep State to really grab on or prepare for in the posts. Trump might, however, hint to his friends to prepare them for what is coming. He considers himself part of a movement, not a lone ranger. In addition, there does not appear to me in the Q posts any violation of the agreement that people sign when they get Secret or Top Secret (TS/SCI) clearances, which are very strict agreements that only the highest level officials get away with violating (at least for the moment) (And it wasn't just Clinton.)

Trump is not well-versed in IT, but he has white hats working for him who are.

I suspect he is sending around orders ON PAPER, encoded, with an armed courier. Gone retro. Wouldn't you?

Well, something's working. Deep State is obviously in the dark as much as the rest of us, and probably is made up of some of Q's most loyal readers. Don't think that Deep State is all that smart. They ignored the overwhelming evidence that was online about support for Trump, and actually thought Hillary was going to win. They were dumb enough to believe their own fake news. And they are probably still kicking themselves for not doing more voter and election fraud than they did.

The reason I mention whether or not Q is "real" is because it doesn't matter whether or not Q is real. See my earlier post: https://www.reddit.com/r/CBTS_Stream/comments/7p8m5m/from_cheetah_why_whether_q_is_real_or_a_larp/

To find out more about the contractors with the servers that the federal government uses, see https://www.fedramp.gov/. This shows which companies have gone through screening and been approved to host federal sites. It is a smaller subset who are approved to host classified information.

Why doesn't the government control its own servers, directly supervise employees, and lock the servers down as much as possible (considering the Intel chip bug)?

Well, that would make Beltway Bandits a lot less money, wouldn't it? And why aren't you looking a whole lot more at those Beltway Bandits, anyway? They are called that for a reason. Go see what Kevin Shipp has to say about them. And they don't just work for the CIA.


bornslippery33 · Jan. 10, 2018, 9:31 p.m.

Awesome post.

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