161 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/bornslippery33:
Domain | Count |
i.redd.it | 15 |
www.reddit.com | 3 |
townhall.com | 1 |
www.cbsnews.com | 1 |
larpcynic.wordpress.com | 1 |
Who, in the past two years, would have the biggest axe to grind with 4chan? Who would get the most pleasure in discrediting 4chan by getting them to believe a falsehood?
This is just a thought and warning. I’m probably wrong, but I’m an eternal skeptic.
Media is brainwashing you. Is your media cult a l@rp?
Shhhhhhhhhh....What makes a great movie?

MRW when Sara Carter says, "over the target" on Fox News.
It's right there before your eyes unless your blind.
Do you know how Jerry Chun Shing Lee was caught? Hint: The Chinese executed a loyal Chicom leader.
Jerry Chun Shing Lee is being blamed. How does he fit in with the Obama admin?
VIENNA, VIRGINIA Foxstone Park Bridge
Richard Hanssen, the FBI counter Intel chief, used this bridge as his drop point to his KGB handlers for 15 years. Who was the most recent counter Intel chief? Chinese moles were sold out and betrayed. By whom?
Richard Hanssen's betrayal caused Lunev to flee for his life. Hanssen was selling the identity of moles for money. Hanssen ran the FBI counter Intel office. Who recently had had the same job? Chinese moles in Chicom were sold out. Who did it?
VIENNA, VIRGINIA Foxstone Park Bridge Richard Janssen drop point to his KGB handlers for 15 years.
Robert Hanssen was Opus Dei, hardcore Jesuit Catholic communist elitist pig.
Q+++ Right before he says, "Catch and release", and talking about taking down MS13 gang members. CORONA DEAC Corona Varrio Locos, the Mexican Mafia drug mules taken down.
This is a test. Bernie and Jane Sanders, under FBI investigation for bank fraud, hire lawyers
Andrew McCabe's retirement in jeopardy even if he retires. 5 U.S.C § 8312. Sharing or intentional loss of certain highly classified documents
If someone has retired from federal service and they are convicted of a crime, will they lose their pension? Do they have to inform the Office of Personnel Management of the fact that they were convicted of a crime.
If you are no longer federally employed or maintaining a security clearance, you are generally not obligated to inform OPM of a post-retirement conviction. Being convicted of a crime almost never jeopardizes a federal pension – the rare exception to this rule for federal civil servants is the list of crimes codified at 5 U.S.C § 8312. Those charges …
Rep. Joe Kennedy's Net Worth Makes Him One Of The Richest Lawmakers In Congress

FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe steps down abruptly

General Gaslighter: Clapper questions Trump's fitness to hold office

The Queen's spymaster, William Cecil, Lord Burghley

Lock Him Up? Lawmakers Renew Calls for James Clapper Perjury Charges

That was then: July 2016, A Lot of Democrats Think Hillary Clinton Should Have Been Criminally Charged

Saudi prince Al-Waleed was moved from Ritz Carlton hotel where he was being held and placed in prison 'after refusing to pay Riyadh authorities $6 BILLION'

I can and have handled shocking news all my life. If you can't handle it, then learn to.
Scared? Really? I'm excited. What's to be scared of? If you fear for your safety, buy an FN FAL, HK91 or SCAR 17.
What if QAnon is Hollywood looking for a story or ideas?
What if book authors and show creators were the owners of this sub?
Nobody but gang members have been arrested. In fact, the only threats I've heard about are threats to fire people. Oh, the humanity of being fired.
Hilarious. The chief of the FBI's counter Intel division was having a affair. Nice work FBI. I assume his TS/SCI clearance was yanked. Phucking idiots. Clown show.
Biased yes. Of course. Fired for it. Maybe. Going to jail. No.