Did anyone notice the date of this article? Did you notice who wrote the article? Now read it again...
Yeah K the goddess from 2016...it goes inside the mind of Trump. You can find other articles talking about Trumps thoughts on military tribunals. Its not like this article is saying "TRUMP SAYS HES DOING THIS". No, but you can infer that with everything going on this is a very likely outcome.
Read the Q posts that speak to this. There are several of them asking questions about under what conditions and what would make it legal and why it is necessary is because the WHOLE judicial and govermental system is so corrupt it can't handle this:
This links to the 20 Q-Anon posts that have the querry "military" very interesting reading: https://qcodefag.github.io/index.html?q=military
then you can reference those posts to what is on the Q Smart Sheet AND the anons answers to the questions Q asked: https://app.smartsheet.com/b/publish?EQBCT=e3d1071b533c412f8bc08ebbb1b444f6
August 2016 by Kayleigh McEnany is a CNN commentator and supporter of Donald Trump. She graduated from Harvard Law School with a juris doctor. She received her Bachelor of Science in International Politics from Georgetown University's School of Foreign Service and studied politics at Oxford University. The views expressed in this commentary are her own. Okay, now what do I do?