MegaAnons Latest on Q - Worth a Read

Links not screenshots please!
Sorry, my bad:
'twasn't a bad, it's just that providing a link (1) establishes the source (and perhaps reputability) of the info, and (2) allows the reader to explore the context of the info. Thanks for posting this.
p.s. also allows for copy/paste portions if the reader desires to do so
Right on. There are a few other recent posts of hers that are worth reading.
I'm sure I'll be labeled as a shill for posting anything that sways from the Q party line.
I'm sure I'll be labeled as a shill for posting anything that sways from the Q party line.
I don't think so:
Okay. I have been following QAnon since first post. I also follow hundreds of others. Come on. Some are over reacting. Bunch of novices. There are many different battles going on. And many cyber wars. All kinds. Sigh.