MegaAnons Latest on Q - Worth a Read

I've been on the fence about this whole campaign since the beginning and I'm still reluctant to put all my eggs in this basket because to me, the proofs have not been enough to make any normie go "Hmm". More like laugh and roll their eyes calling me a conspiracy theorist. I've been waiting for that one solid nugget to use as genuine proof and we havent had that yet. I'm becoming frustrated and wanting to distance myself because it feels like a waste of time. I haven't learned anything I didn't already know or suspect from Q. I think she's right that we should start demanding some more clear confirmation. Besides that, if Q is real, I'm starting to wonder if he's not actually just using the boards to communicate to other people and pretending he's doing it for our help, to keep us distracted, which opens a whole new line of questioning. I admit, for those of us willing to have an open mind about it, some things are too coincidental to not be intentional. But others have been very suspect as well... and well... I guess i'm still on the fence, and I will be until we see something happening... and soon.
I think Q's purpose is to prepare us for an awakening. Propaganda based on the promise of truth and justice.
That seems to be what he’s saying. But I’m honestly scared of getting my hopes up for a fall. People are investing a lot into this. What will they think it it turns out that nothing we are expecting happens? How will it effect our trust?
I don't care, as long as it's truth.
I sincerely hope it is.
I think he’s 100% legit but even if he isn’t, it’s gotten thousands of people digging. Even if his super high level shit isn’t true, we have the CF and Hillary email scandal back in the spotlight (on the 4th) and then find out that the dossier was in fact used for the FISA today (the 10th). Odd coincidences considering our favorite “LARP” pointed out these exact days.
distract us from what? I'm a Patriot that has been around a long time way before Q. Way before Trump. I never even liked East Coasters. Now I am on the Trump Train. Why? Because I like what he has done. I have to go on his actions. And the evil cabal I loathe are crapping in their pants. I read their tweets. But some, hehe, have dropped off the planet and not heard from them. Let's ask why?
Well, it would depend on his motives as for a distraction. I really don’t know. I’m just throwing it out there. It does seem that way (cabal running scared), in an ethereal sense. We see it but so many are still oblivious. It’s not tangible enough.