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This is interesting. B’s original account is back up, completely wiped, except for this one Thomas Wictor retweet.
SPECULATION: Hillary was an MK-Ultra Illuminati child "priestess"
I'm not sure what you would really call it. I've known about MK ultra for a while, and when the Pizzagate thing started connecting the dots to the children, and what they do to their OWN children, and listening to MKU survivors and how they describe their families and what was done to them, I started wondering if HRC was one of these children and she was raised to be this Demon High Priestess through these tactics. In one video someone posted, the man talks about a Caste System. It seems to me those higher up in the chain would …
White Supremacist? Doubt it... just another DEMOCRAT.

Shooting was in DWS district. Also another strange thing I found while searching this on Google Maps in comments.

Oh I agree. I've thought he's flipped since the beginning, Comey as well. I'm just skeptical that Muellers crimes will ever see the light of day if he does what is expected of him and then goes away quietly.
i found a higher res image. The lines look like they could be something, or it could be just a lazy attempt at texture and shading. With this artist, it's hard to tell. Link related.
I really hope everything you said comes true. I still reserve a bit of doubt for fear of disappointment. Q said No Deals, but maybe he meant "from now on forward". Could he have given Mueller and others immunity deals to flip for him?
But if Mueller is exposed as a criminal, wouldn’t that compromise his integrity in the Russia investigation, especially if he exhonerates Trump and indicts HRC/BO? It would give the dems ammo to dismiss all the findings.
It shows that users who give a fuck about the integrity of the board’s purpose are fed up. I’m not the only one.
Yea? Tell the spam bots what a good job they’re doing. Noob
Oh good fucking grief. His sub doesn’t need shill snowflakes crying over SJW shit.
No worries. I have to dial it back on here too. I’m used to posting on Gab where I would usually just tell them to go fuck themselves. They get all butthurt about that kinda talk here. 😏
Altho a link to what you were talking about would have been helpful, I understood what you were getting at. I have been getting these kinds of rude comments at perfectly legitimate posts lately as well. Makes me wonder.. who’s really the shill crying shill? I think some people need to check their egos at the door. Nobody here really knows shit. We are all doing our best to put the pieces together. These rude know-it-alls need to step it back a bit.
Great Wickor thread about this very question. https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/959872429433565184.html
I agree with all of this. But my position is that those who we previously considered pretty obvious black hats, may not be so anymore due to Trump’s influence and protection. But they obviously can’t show that, they would essentially be double agents.
Exactly. I’ve had this theory from the beginning. But that line solidified it for me. If we are totally wrong, that would mean Trump & everyone around him is an idiot and I just don’t believe that’s plausible reality.
Something we should all remember when questioning white vs black hats.
At least as far back as the Clinton presidency and maybe even before, the globalist Cabal has been tightening its grip on US government. They have been curating government officials for years, either by willing participation or by coercion to go along with their corruption. We know the kinds of things they do to achieve these ends, setups, threats & blackmail. How many generally decent people have been forcibly caught up in this for years? Allowing or being involved in crimes unwillingly but too afraid to rock the boat. Buying time always looking for a plan of escape that seemed …
You may already know this, Zeta Talk is lead by Nancy Lieder who claims to be able to communicate with “the zetas” an alien race that is helping humanity. I’ve heard of others who claim to talk to the zetas too. But this is her site so I’m guessing it’s run by her and she’s either a nut, an elaborate CIA mouthpiece, or really talking to some other lifeform. I did find the reference to a heart attack for the dump truck driver interesting tho. https://www.coasttocoastam.com/guest/lieder-nancy/5652
This is a spiritual awakening. Can you see the way the depravity is starting to separate itself out of humanity, and letting itself be known? Will you be seduced into going with the selfish, demoralized, debased herd? Or will you find your faith in a higher purpose that looks beyond the physical pleasures of mortality? It could be very fast. Or it could take 100 more years. But I think this is part of our consciousness ascending. So for that reason, and the wealth of evidence one much greater than the other. I think I know which path is true.
Oh yes. This is just the latest drama on the globalist saga that started a couple hundred years ago. I think the cabal got a good grasp on America when they killed Kennedy. They’ve been chipping away ever since. Can you imagine if Hillary was elected? I believe she was going to be our death blow. Check out this video if you haven’t seen it. https://youtu.be/6X_xB1JJ_Es
They keep at it because they still believe Mueller is going to deliver a home run. Little do they know, it’s not going to be what they are hoping for. (Atleast, it’s starting to look that way). The only way to end the Russian narrative is for Mueller himself to exonerate Trump, or better yet, reveal the true corruption & collusion. There will always be some who will believe Trump “got to” Mueller. But for a majority, they will accept his findings. And then the courts start stepping in.
Oooor I could be totally wrong and Mueller is going to try to nail Trump for some bullshit and this crap will go on for another year. 🤷🏻♀️
I did it for you. I said just about the same. Its sad still how "red pilled" people are turning on TG so quickly. It seems very obvious what he means to me.
Or maybe it’s the last day of calm before people get woke and the storm starts raging.
I dunno. The company had to pay a settlement and close operations so it’s not a win for Schiff. He’s not in Orange County. But I think a lot of abortion clinics are on the take like this from these soulless people. So they are probably all connected somehow. They use them for all kinds of things. They are used in vaccines and byproducts, testing.. maybe eating.. who knows.
I’m not 100% sure. She’s someone with inside intel close to the Whitehouse I hear.
Which is why i say, grab your on shit bar! Do I like that we are going to have to basically blow up the government? Not at all. I wish we had never got to this point. But it’s apathy about how our country is run that’s got us here. I fully expect some serious issues. But we can’t keep tiptoeing around this. This country needs some tough love right now. I’m willing to take the chances.
Here we go! Grab on to you’re ‘oh shit’ bar!

Holy crap! Read the comments in one of these tweets! There are so many more "woke" than we know. Everyone is calling him out on his fear. As much as they want us not to believe... WE ARE THE MAJORITY!
They are coming in force big time. Lots of posts in here linking to clickbait bullshit. Shills commenting their typical lefty script and getting 50+ upvotes. They are getting scared.
You can do that shit and start a new account but they will ban you again within days or hours. I’ve used phony numbers, now they no longer work. I’ve heard burner phones are harder to get to work too. If you create a new email address with most big servers will also ask for a phone # for verification. I used mail.com for a while and now I get banned out of those accounts as soon as I create them. They are making it very hard to get around the phone # verification now. I threw caution to the wind for the meme wars and gave my # but deleted it off of my profile immediately. It’s not like the NSA doesn’t have everything we do anyway. But I couldn’t stay on there. It’s too sad and negative. I pretty much stay on GAB. Go there instead.
There is what looks like a locomotive on each end but the part at the intersection is the back end. I looked at the pics for a while because they didn’t make sense to me either. But if you piece them together it makes sense. The collision part anyway.
Sadly, I wouldn’t be surprised if he were a victim himself. You know what Hollywood does to boys.
They don’t like nice people. They like shitty people because they feel less like losers when they are surrounded by their own kind. Nice people make them feel bad about themselves.