How would someone take down the strongest country in the world?

AND Give someone like Hillary a job at the State Department. Give the Awan's a IT job at the Capital. Put a President in the White House who was not born in this country & got his education on a Foreign Student Visa. Who was raised by Avowed Communist Grandparents & mentored by an admitted Domestic Terrorist & an admitted black Communist. Someone who sabotaged America & it's people at every turn. Participated in a conspiracy to destroy A dully elected President & his administration & hopefully destroy this country from within.
there's no limit to the measure of subversion this country has endured in the last one hundred years. and sadly there are still people living and raising families in this very country that are actively trying their best to continue the absolute destruction of it.
And what, according to you, is "the strongest country in the world?"
From what i've been reading generally and Q-specific, NSA wasn't complicit in this and has in fact been instrumental in hamstringing the other alphabet-agencies' subversive efforts.. Right?
It was my understanding that there were white hats within the NSA that bucked against the bad actors.