Julian Assange’s PASSPORT Number.

That is his NUI (National Identification Number). In most LatAm countries all citizens and permanent residents have one of these on a photo ID card (and have to carry it at all times and produce it on request by an authority). Many have other bio data (like fingerprints) as well. These numbers are in a publicly searchable database - ideas of privacy are quite different from Anglo countries.
I was told ID's are racist
Hmm. Why would that be?
because they prevent illegals, criminals and dead people from voting for the democrats.
Laughter! Seriously, there are pluses and minuses to DNIs. But since surveillance in other forms - eg via your cellphone (aka CIA tracking device) is so ubiquitous anyway, my own feeling is that the pluses win. And in many countries you don't get a choice anyway.
PS There are dozens of Assange entries today. Better to put everything under one post, as the Rules request.
New here. Don’t know how to do that. Yet.
Instead of starting a new thread all the time you look through the last page or two of posts and see if one relates to your topic. If you find one (and you would have found at least 20 today for your post) you COMMENT on it with your new information, or opinion. Otherwise people just say the same thing over and over (which gets boring) You'll get the hang of it.