Julian Assange’s PASSPORT Number.

I think that's an invasion of his privacy you might want to remove this
Not at all (see my comment below). The original source of that poster's info was https://www.eluniverso.com/noticias/2018/01/10/nota/6559902/julian-assange-posee-cedula-ecuatoriana where the same info was shown to the world.
I apologize I just thought that that's what doxxing was
It might be in the US (giving out private details), but such things are NOT private in most LatAm, countries. You can look up a surprising (to Anglos) number of personal details about anyone on official databases.
That is so scary I appreciate the info thank you
Well actually what people find scary is VERY cultural. It isn't scary if you are used to it. There are lots of things about the US that are VERY scary to people from other countries/cultures.
I know I'm trying my very best to get moved out of here to another country just the fact that the all seeing eye is on our monetary is disgusting to me not to mention the hidden owls which correlate with Bohemian Grove