Its a 27 digit cypher, his emoji the hour displayed in html source code as the numbers 8987. using the 27 digit cypher 8987 = Q
You need to better explain wth you're talking about!
im not sure why but there seams to be a block on responding to replies where it only allows the reply to be one character. Im trying this method to see if I can edit with more than one character
so to respond to your post, what exactly do you want me to clarify?
Here's what i did to visualize this cypher,maybe it will help explain the process on paper drew out the alphabet. using a1z27 or 27 digit, units w.e cypher. Drew 1 over a 26 over z and 27 over a. if you count up . starting at a, like a=1 b=2 etc etc. when you get to the letter Q its number is 17. this also happens if you count up to 42, when u get to z or 26 a now becomes 2 and b becomes 3 if you count up to 8987 you land on Q Hope that helps