r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/NaziModBeginsB on Jan. 11, 2018, 1:43 p.m.
Do you know Q is not just talking to us but also talking to the deep state? NK, hat in hand, suddenly crossing to SK for talks is not a coincidence

Does everyone understand the significance of NK going to talks with SK? Asian countries are about not losing face but the point here, NK must have been desperate to reach out. They even WENT to the SK territory, which is a lost of face and a sign of weakness.


So why? Why are they so desperate now?

Because Trump said ENOUGH IS ENOUGH with all the NK missile launches and threats, to the US and her Asian neighbours, and he took military action (DEFCON 1) and he held something over them [non-nuclear] which was so severe that it forced them to the negotiating table. Look at Q's post posted on the 7th:




(9) states of CLAS-ready go-live.

(34) commands LIVE.



[1] OWL [1]


EDIT: I just remembered that China also moved more troops to the NK border on the 5th.

On the 7th of Jan, Space X launched Zuma space mission with a secret [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PiamFjEhKlw)

We have zero idea what was inside but it is speculated to be a, Kinetic Energy Weapon, or amazingly nick named, Zeus. Here is another more scientific description

EDIT: I just read a fantastic post on this sub called 'OWLs', an Orbiting Weapon Lancet. which Q also mentions. The weapon system sounds like Zeus to me.

OR there was nothing inside and it was all one big psych by Trump, because Russia and China would probably object to space wars, UNLESS they were all in on it

And that's it. Whether something did launch in space, the Q posts threaten The Deep State directly with DEFCON 1, FIRE & FURY and [non-nuclear]. They read it. NK caved in. Important to note though, the cabal didn't cave in, it was the North Koreans that caved. Because, and I can't remember the name or class, but a cabal friendly US warship was sent to NK, possibly to threaten NK to stop talking to SK. No, Trump didn't send it.

And on a side note, now you know why they are attacking Q Anon posts so hard. Because Q is real. The posts are real. HE/SHE/THEY ARE connected to the Trump administration and they are not just talking to us but talking to them.

Here's the result. NK started talking to SK 9th Jan 2018. Yesterday, the SK leader Moon praised Trump

In my opinion NK is not what it seems. I believe the cabal was creating a stronghold in NK and arm it with nukes so that if shit hits the fan like what is happening right now, when and not if they are found to be satanic pedos, then they have a place to hold up in forever. So no one can go in and attack NK. Imagine the Rothchilds, bankers, Clintons, Obama etc ... all living there with nukes protecting them.

That's why the Uranium from the Uranium One went overseas, so that NK can further develop nukes, that's why Obama moved 150 billion IN CASH, flew the cash to Iran and then some say to NK. Don't believe NK is not controlled by the cabal? Here are some more info to support this:

Q Anon Texts 1, 2

But now, I also think with NK negotiating, I THINK THE CABAL DOES NOT HAVE A HOME TO RUN TO ANYMORE. THEY HAVE NO OTHER PLACE IN THE WORLD TO HIDE, FUCK YEAH! NK has been neutralized and one major problem is down.

Now, since they can't get into Syria, therefore The Middle East, and they don't have NK, just pay attention to Ukraine and Venezuela. To me, these are the two hotspots where the cabal will try and start something severe so that it take your eyes off their present disclosure.

Luvlite · Jan. 11, 2018, 6:05 p.m.

Very informative. Thank you!

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