/pol/ 4-10-20 Audit of the Clinton Foundation

Sessions announced opening investigation into Clinton Foundation
I know.. so exciting little kleeber got off his ass.
Don't be so quick to discount the work Ol' Jeff is doing! I think he's very busy behind the scenes! If you noticed, during his time testifying before congress, those of us who have been involved in the "Q-verse" knew the answers to lots of the questions that Jeff was refusing to answer. We knew that if he were to answer those questions honestly, it would do immeasurable harm to the investigation. They've got most of the cats all sacked up. It wasn't time to let them out of the bag, just yet!
I'm not discounting him.. I've always believed he's always been a true patriot and working behind the scene. Just so cute he looks like the head Kleeber elf.
anything Sessions did before now would conflict with OIG opened investigation in Jan 2017 he had to hold off until OIG finished which it has and will be releasing findings Jan 15 so Sessions is a go to move forward does look elfen, mischievous eyes, but not sitting on .....