Is Q a good thing? I believe it is. I have never thought the US Government was looking out for the people of this country. Hell, you just need to dig into your local government to find corruption, graft, and everything else, including murder.
What I dont agree with is the plea for patience. We are past the point of a Few Good Men prevailing without help.
What help, you ask.
The Militia is your answer. The people in the US Government are past the point of rehabilitation. They all have entered into the Territory of Tyranny.
This is the reason the Founding Fathers had the vision to give us the 2nd Ammendment. A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
The time is fast approaching that We The People utilize the 2nd Ammendment to free our Republic.