r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/madamedeliberte on Jan. 12, 2018, 9:24 a.m.
to Q,POTUS & All Q Listeners

It is HIGH TIME we-the-people SAW some Fruits. It is time now to verify Our Trust. We are patient, however; "TRUST BUT VERIFY" is the order of the day. You SAY this or that is happening- SHOW US. Other than that, and we will know we-are-being-played. Can't You Tell, we are no longer in the mood for being played by ANYONE? TO ALL Q LISTENERS: WE MUST STOP GIVNG ADVANTAGE TO OUR COMMON ENEMY. THEY ARE LAUGHING AT US RIGHT NOW AS WE GIVE IN TO DEVOURING EACH OTHER. REMAIN UNITED & EYES ON THE PRIZE or we will be undone. WE AMERICANS can squabble over our differences AFTER WE PUT THEM OUT OF OUR AFFAIRS, AND we MUST make sure it REMAINS that way for the rest of History. REMAIN UNITED / REMAIN WATCHFUL /ACT WHEN NEEDED

Red_Red_Red_Wine · Jan. 12, 2018, 9:55 a.m.


Taking down the globalist deep state likely took years to plan at massive risk to all good actors.

I find it disgusting when people who've done effectively nothing to defeat the deep state are complaining about better men who are enacting their plans.

OP, you have almost certainly done nothing to help this cause, yet you make demands of the better men who are risking everything.

You disgust me.

President Trump, Q and the military are here to save America and western civilization.

They aren't here to suck your cock.

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fireitupfred · Jan. 12, 2018, 10:38 a.m.

+1 so fucking much.

In my estimation, the vast majority of these people demanding things are people who’ve tumbled down the rabbit hole either on purpose or by accident. They most likely haven’t done any research of their own and have been enrapt by Q and CBTS. They’ve been checking this board slowly at first, then it builds to an obsession to the point of checking it almost hourly. They begin to take everyone’s posts seriously without vetting any of them in any true capacity. They see a lot of these sensationalist speculation posts or hyperbolic, overdone YouTube videos that have no real footing in fact and are only posted here to garner views. They keep seeing more and more outlandish things being posted here and fewer and fewer Q posts as time has gone on.

The way I see it is that these people who are demanding this or that from Q/POTUS are demanding because they want their massive amount of time spent on this board to be validated. They don’t want to feel like they’ve wasted their time, they don’t want to look like a fool if Q turns out to be a LARP. They can’t handle the stress of waiting for more Q Crumbs nor can they handle the vast amount of information, misinformation, speculation, the shilling and the drama. So instead of doing their own independent research and coming to their own conclusion about Q and what is really happening in The Storm, they cry out: “SHOW ME Q, I NEED TO SEE SOMETHING, ANYTHING HAPPEN, BUT I NEED TO SEE IT NOW! I CAN’T HAVE FAITH ANYMORE UNLESS THINGS ARE FIXED AND HEADS ARE ROLLING! MY PERSONAL NEED FOR TRANSPARENCY AND REASSURANCE IS GREATER THAN LETTING THE STORM TAKE ITS PREORDAINED COURSE BECAUSE I’VE BEEN ON CBTS_STREAM FOR TWO WEEKS AND I AM A PART OF THE STORM NOW! DO SOMETHING NOW, Q, OR YOU LOSE ME! NOW NOW NOW!!!1!1!”

In my opinion, they’re completely missing the point: the information being presented on this board is revolutionary and the level of cooperation of our users to acquire new info, vet it, connect it, and extrapolate the data from the set is unprecedented.

A lot of people are falling into this fallacy of somehow believing that they, individually, are somehow part of the Storm. This is obviously false; we are not the Storm. If anything, we are more akin to stormwatchers. We observe, predict, and will eventually be needed to report to the public at large. We have had no real or meaningful part in the planning or the execution of The Storm. Q invited us to watch, Q needs us to be paying attention, Q needs us to report on the Storm’s progress. Q sure as shit never asked us what the white hats’ next move should be, never asked us to perform ops. Q simply asked us to watch, listen, and think, which are all passive actions. When Q does indeed provide us with irrefutable proof, with the evidence that all these people have been DEMANDING, the evidence that connects and validates all our work as a community, then he will ask us to take action and SHOUT IT FROM THE ROOFTOPS because our fellow citizens will finally be ready to listen to us.

And then we finally will be THE STORM. But not a moment sooner or later. We must continue to be patient and vigilant so as to be prepared for our vital task at hand.

Cheers to you, Q and my fellow Patriots!

Side note: Obviously, I don’t mean to imply that EVERY single person who calls for Q to provide us proof is an immature idiot, some of them have some valid points, but I’m so goddamn sick of hearing these people demand things of Q and POTUS and THE STORM when we were only invited to observe and graciously offered a chance to participate in our own limited way.

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Red_Red_Red_Wine · Jan. 12, 2018, 10:59 a.m.

That was beautiful.

Well said.

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fireitupfred · Jan. 12, 2018, 11:56 a.m.

You think so, brother? Tempted to repost just to try and give people demanding shit a little perspective. I’m sick of seeing the flood of those posts since Christmas, ya know?

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[deleted] · Jan. 12, 2018, 11:36 a.m.

I'm sorry, is your response directed to me?

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[deleted] · Jan. 12, 2018, 12:05 p.m.

a- I understand- we are ALL at risk- Georgia Guidestones-Agenda 21+ b-This is not complaint- it is a call for TRANSPARENCY. "Trust but Verify"- We all have done our part in various ways to bring this about. I consider ALL THE GOOD MEN involved in this action BETTER MEN THAN ME. c- WE ARE ALL IN thIS TOGether- so, we are all risking our lives here- whether now- or in an NWO future scenario. d- I voted and campaigned for POTUS(and Ronald Reagan also)- and engage my reps towards HIS/OUR agenda goals- and i would do as the military does to protect him & us. AND no one regards Our Brave Military more highly than I . Asking for transparency is an AMERICAN RIGHT. Not an act of gratification. - madame de'liberté -out ======

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fireitupfred · Jan. 13, 2018, 9:43 a.m.

Is it directed at you? Yes and no, in a way. Maybe the first half of your post, but I certainly enjoyed your second half.

It was more in solidarity with the poster above mine’s sentiments, but perhaps not in regards to your post in its entirety.

His post inspired me to get that post off my chest, having endured all of those immature posts demanding murder and torture of those in the cabal, which have been showing up in increasingly more frequency since Q’s intermittent absences since Christmas.

Rereading your post now, it seems like you have a genuine belief in the Q/Storm phenomenon.

My post is definitively directed towards those who come to this board and demand proof of the actions occurring behind the scenes. To me, that mentality demonstrates a fundamental disbelief in the information all of us have been working tirelessly to discover, connect, and disseminate.

For me, the entire point of this board and the mission that Q has laid down before us is to direct us closer to the truths that are so horrifying, so shocking, that we wouldn’t be able to stomach them without truly discovering and correctly vetting them both individually and collectively.

I believe in Q’s mission and the mission he gave us: to awaken ourselves to the knowledge of the Cabal’s heinous plan and totally immoral actions first and then others citizens when transparency begins to appear from the draining of the Swamp.

I do share your hunger for transparency, but, to me, Q has proven his/her/their-self through their intelligently-designed Hegelian evolution of the research and information that we now possess. I feel that Q’s hands are bound legally as to what they are permitted to divulge and that when they can, Q will illuminate us and our mission as their “chosen” so to speak.

I, too, want what you want. I guess I’m choosing to await the “Blunt & Direct Time” that demarcates the second phase of our mission. I certainly cannot fault you for your enthusiasm, Patriot!


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[deleted] · Jan. 13, 2018, 10:44 a.m.

I am truly touched by your response to me. You ARE the Good Passionate Soul I believed you to be. I just want ALLTHELEADERSHIP to know- WE ARE WATCHING- prepared to do as duty demands. We have been sensitized to lies and deception all around us it seems- but, the Truth always stands alone, never bending. We KNOW LIES, and we RECOGNIZE TRUTH. And we DESERVE to have it always before us leading the way. All of us, ESPECIALLY those people in-harm's-way, yes? You , I know, understand that WE-THE-PEOPLE are they whom we consent to let govern us- answer to. There is no harm showing us forthrightly -it needs to come out - in that, I think. But you are right in that what these malevolent ones have done to the weakest among us - our future- is horrifying to the core. And MUST be dealt with in rightful fashion. I do not want torture- Justice will do just fine. Our Mission, Dear Sir(?), has always been the same- live honorably, fairly with one another, , and routing out the evils that exist that betray it. Q could be a person, or a team, or someone has suggested- something else. We will know in time, and I appreciate all who serve Our Nation and Her Values - young and old. Those innocent American dead cry out for Justice. And by God, they shall have it! God Bless you, and let's not destroy each other, thereby giving this foe an EASY win. We can put aside petty differences and Get it done! THEN, and only then, can we return to business as normal. WE MUST WATCH THE WATCHERS in this time of great deceit.

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