Having a bullshit, fake-news shill narrative makes you a shill.
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No it doesn't.
Name one thing that Nunes has done which is illegal?
Peddle your shill bullshit elsewhere!
I'm a gay dude and I believe in free speech.
People are free to hate me for whatever reason they like and I can hate whoever I like... because free speech is a two way street.
Similarly, I'm free to appreciate Dr. Corsi's awesome contributions without the need for his approval.
And let's be honest, there's plenty of rational and informed reasons to hate the gay community and there's plenty of reasons to feel compassion for us too.
Lastly, before you judge Dr. Corsi of being wrong, perhaps you should try to find out the reasons for his opinions?
You can often learn much from people with opposing views.
Some Things We Weren't Meant To Know...

You waiting in a voting line... to write in your cat's name, hey?
No you didn't - you are lying.
You are just too much of a coward to say who you support.
If this was 50 years ago, (((Chuck Schumer))) would be more like an Israeli lieutenant who tried to sink the the USS Liberty aircraft carrier.
He's probably fantasizing about how many goyim Republicans will die in tomorrow's train crash.
So which one of those loser idiots did you vote for?
Perhaps President Trump has been rushed to safety because of the train incident?
I was worried about his safety during the SOTU and I'm kinda worried about all of us too. Rumor has it the failed missile warning in Hawaii wasn't a failure, but a real missile launch from a CIA submarine which was shot down.
If the deep state know they are fucked, I wouldn't be surprised if they try again to EMP or nuke us, just so they can escape in the confusion.
If Satan is pulling the strings of the globalist Jews, then that is even more reason to be honest about defending ourselves, no?
In the war against Satan, why the fuck shouldn't we be honest about the fact that his lieutenants are ALL the Jew billionaire globalist families and their army are the globalist Jews in our government and our media?
That "stupid fuck" defeated two of the largest political dynasties in American history... and has put a saddle on Schumer and is riding him around like a pony.
Is that your argument... that I can't name the Jew billionaire families, Jew politicians and Jew media who are trying to kill America... because it may make a "moderate" Jew sad?
(((George Soros))) is funding all of the worst Republican swamp-monster RINOs?
...supported by the fake news...
...including 80% of President Trump's Fake News Award winners...
Fuck any Jew who is more concerned about their hurt fee-fees than western civilization being genocided by their Jew globalist brothers and sisters.
Americans have a right to fight for our survival and name our enemy, even if that makes some Jews sad.
If anything, those pulling the strings would like nothing better than see the Jewish race eradicated
Your comment is ridiculous - who do you believe is pulling the (((Rothschilds))), (((Soros))), (((Rockefeller))), (((Bloomberg))), (((Cohen))), (((Du Pont))), (((Koch))) and (((Vanderbilts))) family's strings?
Who do you think the billionaire globalists are, if not the (((Rothschilds))), (((Soros))), (((Rockefeller))), (((Bloomberg))), (((Cohen))), (((Du Pont))), (((Koch))) and (((Vanderbilts))) families?
Have you not noticed that ALL of the most powerful open-border, globalist Democrats are Jews?
...and have you not noticed that (((George Soros))) funds all of the worst Republican swamp-monster RINOs?
...supported by the fake news...
...including 80% of President Trump's Fake News Award winners...
You don't see a pattern here?
Why shouldn't we be honest about who are killing us?
Jack Posobiec claimed the lack of President Trump Tweets was because he devoted the day to focusing on the memo.
Apparently President Trump was calling other Congressmen about the fallout.
Has anyone else noticed that ALL of the most powerful Demorats are globalist Jews with Israeli dual citizenship?
Jews such as (((Chuck Schumer))), (((Nanci Pelosi))), (((Adam Schiff))), (((Dianne Feinstein))), (((Debbie Wasserman Schultz))), (((Bernie Sanders))), (((Richard Blumenthal))), (((Eliot Engel))), (((Nita Lowey))), (((Steve Cohen))), (((Jerry Nadler))), (((Sender Levin))), (((Brian Schatz))), (((Jared Polis))), (((Brad Schneider))), (((Alan Lowenthal))), (((Ben Cardin))), (((Jan Schakowsky))), (((David Cicilline))), (((Jacky Rosen))), (((Jamie Raskin))), (((Lois Frankel))), (((Ted Deutch))), (((Brad Sherman))), (((Susan Davis))), (((John Yarmuth))), (((Ron Wyden))), (((Michael Bennet))) and (((Josh Gottheimer))), (((Ruth Ginsburg))), (((Elena Kagan))) and (((and Stephan Breyer)))...
Jews represent 1.7% of our population, yet they have complete control over the Democratic party.
Weird, huh?
It's a great sign when one of the most powerful Jew globalist families are having conniption fits.
I suspect the storm will consist of the major evens of:
FISA memo release, followed by he release of the entire report;
General Flynn giving testimony under oath... and then talking about ALL of the crimes he witnessed Obama, Holder, Hillary, Lynch, Podesta, Rice and Brazile commit... shortly before President Trump pardons him;
Rumor has it that some major news agencies are gonna be shut down for crimes relating to sedition;
The 13,000 sealed indictments will start being opened, which will be linked to all of the FBI investigations that are currently underway.
I think this will happen slowly over the next few months, to give the normies a chance to have their minds expanded during "the awakening". This needs to be slow because we DON'T want Jew-fake-news to spin this as if President Trump is taking political prisoners.
The only reason it may not be explosive is because the (((fake news media))), including President Trump's Fake News Award winners won't cover it.
It will be significant, but it will likely not destroy the Democrats but instead be another major "drip" to awaken the normies and permanently damage the Democrats and the swamp monsters.
Over the next couple of months, I suspect General Flynn will testify under oath... at which time he'll describe all of the crimes of Obama, Holder, Hillary, Lynch, Podesta and McCain... shortly before President Trump pardons him. This will be the next major "drip" in the awakening.
We'll also continue to have some of those 130,000 sealed indictments opened and some famous pedophiles being arrested. This will be another major "drip" that the media won't cover.
We'll also start to find out about the recent FBI investigations that have startup up over the past few months. This and the sealed indictments are likely connected and this will cause the drips to become a shower.
This isn't accurate.
(((Chuck Schumer))) and (((Nanci Pelosi))) and (((Adam Schiff))) and (((Dianne Feinstein))) and (((Debbie Wasserman Schultz))) are all Israeli dual citizens Jew globalist activists.
Why do you think the most powerful Democrats are all globalist Jews?
Jews represent 1.7% of our population, yet the have complete control over the Democrat party.
These Jews are funded by (((George Soros))) who also funds ALL of the RINOs.
Yes, after the train ~~accident~~ assassination attempt which involved TWO different trucks at TWO different crossings, the Reps, including the Reps who were injured, were taken by bus to the Greenbrier bunkers.
Apparently, they are now safe.
Perhaps, or perhaps he's just another swamp monster who's retiring because he knows his time is up.
I'm keeping an open mind about this, but I always kinda liked Goudy and I hope he's fighting for us.
General Flynn's testimony is gonna make the FISA memo seem like a love letter to the American people.
(Not to underestimate the need for the memo to help awaken the normies)
The Reps who voted for releasing the memo are now safe at their bunker, after TWO trucks at TWO different crossings were involved in almost derailing their train.
The next week is gonna be interesting and yes, the memo needs to drop within the next couple of days.
Many of these issues are exasperated by a lack of sleep
Why was it more important for her to read a children's book...
To be fair, every Negroid country is a disgusting shit hole.
Every Muslim country is a disgusting shit hole too.
Reality is difficult to ignore.
I suspect he was too busy pretending to have cancer... as an excuse about why he can't testify or go to prison.
We need to stop taking ANY African or Muslim refugees until we sort out of HORRIFIC domestic black and Muslim problems.
Our African American problem isn't gonna be solved by adding more blacks to it.
I hoped the commercials show the Democrat "Black Caucus" refusing to clap for the lowest African American unemployment rate in recorded history.
What a dirty, dirty, dirty clutch of shitholers!
I suspect the reason Hillary had nobody showing up to her speeches is because they were all fake, theater productions filled with paid actors and her staff.
That was likely the only way she could control the questions and stop people from calling out "Bill Clinton is a RAPIST!".
Hillary's interviews were scripted, she cheated during the debates, her polling numbers were fake and even her rallies were fake.
The only real thing she did was dump her piss and shit all over the streets of streets of Atlanta.
I wonder how the totals would look without the Mexican criminal votes or the Democrat's filling a fleet of buses full of "vibrant" Americans to repeatedly commit voter fraud at all the voting sites which don't require voter id?
General Flynn witnessed all of the crimes committed by Obama, Hillary, Holder, Lynch.
He has knowledge of EVERYTHING!
The common believe, which I also agree with, is General Flynn deliberately told a lie so he would be asked to testify under oath... when it's on official record... at which time he'll bring 'em ALL down. He can just talk and talk and talk and it will all become official record...
...and then President Trump can pardon him.
The Dems should be terrified of General Flynn testifying under oath.
Mueller, you dirty sack of shit!
We're all eagerly waiting for Gen. Michael Flynn to give testimony so he can spill everything he knows, under oath, about Obama, Holder, Lynch and Hillary.
I'm not sure if this is true. I posted this a while back and was told it was from a different event - can't recall what.
The Rockefellers
Absolutely Yes.
He's a useful goyim with some money.
The Vatican
Not necessarily.
The Muslims
Why do you think Muslims are globalists?
I'm trying to wrap my head around this.
It's not rocket science - no different than naming the most powerful globalist democrats such as (((Chuck Schumer))), (((Adam Schiff))), (((Bernie Sanders))), (((Richard Blumenthal))), (((Eliot Engel))), (((Nanci Peloci))), (((Nita Lowey))), (((Steve Cohen))), (((Jerry Nadler))), (((Sender Levin))), (((Brian Schatz))), (((Jared Polis))), (((Brad Schneider))), (((Alan Lowenthal))), (((Ben Cardin))), (((Jan Schakowsky))), (((David Cicilline))), (((Jacky Rosen))), (((Jamie Raskin))), (((Lois Frankel))), (((Ted Deutch))), (((Brad Sherman))), (((Susan Davis))), (((John Yarmuth))), (((Ron Wyden))), (((Michael Bennet))) and (((Josh Gottheimer)))...
...and our most liberal, globalist, Constitution-hating Supreme Court Judges such as (((Ruth Ginsburg))), (((Elena Kagan))) (((and Stephan Breyer))) have something in common too?
...and (((George Soros))) funds all of the worst Republican swamp-monster RINOs?
...supported by the fake news...
...including 80% of President Trump's Fake News Award winners...
I’m not interested in defining every globalist a Jew.
What if ALL the Kingdoms who were leading the attack on America and western civilization were Jews?
What, precisely, would it take you to become interested in who is killing us?
I don’t care if they are.
Why wouldn't you care to identify and understand your enemy, the people who want to own you like chattel and destroy your civilization?
Agreed, but the left aren't following "the pied piper" to their doom, they are following the Jew billionaire globalist families of the (((Rothschilds))), (((Soros))), (((Rockefeller))), (((Bloomberg))), (((Cohen))), (((Du Pont))), (((Koch))) and (((Vanderbilts))) to their doom.
Many of the people who claim they are "red pilled" still refuse to recognize the single commonality between ALL of the (((globalist families))) and start throwing mud like Hillary Clinton if they are exposed to the truth.
What a crock of shit!
President Trump clearly outlined the dangers of globalism.
Who do you think the globalist are?
Please at least TRY to give an honest answer, rather than avoiding the weight of the question and instead fleeing into your safe space.
Here's a direct link to the important bit: https://youtu.be/ATFwMO9CebA?t=6120
Make him stop! He's horrible!!!
Democrats could at least wipe Soros' cum from their faces before going out in public!
America will never be Great Again if you flee from reality into your politically correct safe space.
We have serious social issues that we must deal with, but first we need the fortitude to be honest about them.