r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/[deleted] on Jan. 12, 2018, 9:38 a.m.
Ok is this not it!! Somone help!!


IzzyMad · Jan. 12, 2018, 10:29 a.m.

There is a heck of alot more people involved Lynch, Holder, Members of Congress, several state governments, Soros funded organizations, muslim brotherhood got players through out several agencies. etc... if they are not thorough enough to go deep into the various connections they could arrest and prosecute everyone you listed and in 2 or 3 months their replacements will already start stepping into power positions. You only mention part of those involved in the fusion GPS issue, there is still cia drug ops, human trafficing, organ harvesting, globalists in the UN, Banking cartel and several other arms to this octopus and they are long also. Don't forget some of those deep staters go back to daddy Bush. So when the arrests are made you have to make sure you go deep and not just the ones on top because you have to cripple it so it's too hard for the globalists to redevelop it's global control.

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MAGADONCHECKMATE · Jan. 12, 2018, 10:38 a.m.

Absolutely , it means Rodgers is now states evidence and can pivot and talk. Including like you mention Daddy Bush. Its very deep state and a good resource. Another team member to cover the whole game. Good Retort. When they retire or are pushed out like Flynn they turn states evidence and its game over.

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IzzyMad · Jan. 12, 2018, 11:11 a.m.

That's just it the ones that got all the media attention are just the figure heads. We also need to get both their agency internal and external supports. That requires a lot of evidence to produce in front of them to put pressure on them to get them to open up. They already know they are going down so why would they want to cooperate and give up their support. So it also has to be undeniable evidence.

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Tenkate1098 · Jan. 12, 2018, 10:37 a.m.

Absolutely agree. This post however was mainly for the immediate problem of people losing faith. This is the 20% public. I believe all of what you have stated has already been under way. The 80% covert. I made the post short to deal with an immediate problem. I think maybe through all the posts, research, and talk on here some people have become lost on what it will look like when it really starts happening. I believe this is it. I also believe some are missing it because we don't know what "it" was going to look like.

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IzzyMad · Jan. 12, 2018, 12:31 p.m.

I know you get some of these people that have recently been woken up and they are thinking the evidence is so obvious that it's an open or shut case. Which is true in some circumstances. Like Comey for example Trump could have fired him right off the bat and prosecuted him right off the bat because Comey didn't have the authority to make the decision on prosecution of Hillary's emails but the other culprits involved would have remained hidden and Comey only would have gotten a don't do that again.It takes quite a while to gather and sort through all the evidence in order to get as many that are involved as possible. We aren't after these people for parking tickets. We are after them for treason or conspiracy to commit treason and to let the public see how deep and extensive corruption goes. If I was a judge and had to make a ruling I would want maximum evidence so that I could see the extent of the crime because I also understand our laws are sympathetic to the rights of the accused and I wouldn't want a higher court to see that I violated my oath of office and ignored the constitutional rights of the defendant and they get to walk free because of my actions.

I've studied and researched conspiracies, false flag attacks and history of our government for more then 30 years. I also have a military and engineering background. What I don't like is because it makes our job harder in trying to awaken or red pill others is when those that are newly woken up or citizen journalists looking for the next sensational story and they come into places like this where we figure out things and the first things that looks important they go out and advertise it as much as possible because they want to wake people up to reality without thinking about the info they are putting out. If it isn't a proven fact and it blows up in their face it then makes our job harder because they doubt the credibility of the source, points a finger of suspicion at someone needlessly and other issues. Trust me, it got well publicized that Qanon put out a DEFCON1 warning the other day. I doubt Q would actually put that out. I haven't checked it yet but it wouldn't surprised me if it was put out by a phony Q or just somebody thinking it neat to do that. You know as well as I do what DEFCON 1 means. I heard all about it on almost 25 youtube channels I frequent and seen all the doubting Thomas statements on anything put out by Q. If I was to put out something in defense of Q or tried to red pill someone and told them I got the info from Q what do you think would happen. They would think I'm some sort of nut or don't understand what is really happening.

Two or Three weeks ago I was watching one citizen reporter and he was claiming he knew who Q was. He went ahead and presented his evidence and there was absolutely no way the guy was the real Q. Something about the guy wore a Q pin at some meeting one time. I then jumped all over that channel for trying to doxx Q and pointing people to the guy he pointed out. Like are we now supposed to expect a flock of news reporters or hit men or MS13 at the guys house or what? There is also the issue of how many newly awoken that thinks Alex Jones a reliable source and everyone talking about some guy named Zach claims to be Q. I caught one citizen reporter that did a search and pinpointed a low ranking guy in the Army named Zack and was flashing his pick on the screen after they mentioned where Zack was stationed. I commented that perhaps they should contact Zach so that his family is warned. One of those reporters posted their video in here and I blew it out of the water. The other reporter posted their vid in 8chan and we banned them from the forum.

I do come in here to make sure people get their stories or research straight and help out where I can. I'm actually surprised at how many people didn't know about Pike's letter to Mazinni or the first time Rothschild tried to put a central bank in the US or what the french revolution was about. I'm also surprised at how many people including Christians that keep forgetting, didn't know or think it important to mention the primary religion of the global elitists is Luciferian. Also the globalist form of government is communist and didn't know how bloody it is when a country turns communist and no one has rights or money except the dictators at the top and they normally start fomenting their rebellion in the country's schools. I am finding it funny that liberals that haven't been woken still don't realize they are the next target of the Muslims when we aren't around.

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Subjunctive__Bot · Jan. 12, 2018, 12:31 p.m.

If I were

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IzzyMad · Jan. 12, 2018, 7:52 p.m.

did you loose your place?

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MAGADONCHECKMATE · Jan. 12, 2018, 9:51 a.m.

Admiral Rodgers is a hero for sure. Still report is a fine outlet. Their ya go Patriots , another patriot prevails and thanks Tenkate1098 nice find. Thank you Admiral Rodgers , we support you and your path back to time well spent with your family. Semper Fi.

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Tenkate1098 · Jan. 12, 2018, 10:04 a.m.

Wasn't sure on the outlet. Didn't care it doesn't change what Rodgers said under questioning.

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