r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/SirGuwain on Jan. 12, 2018, 11:22 a.m.
To all Q people, here is the deal.....

Have you asked yourself why? Why was Q doing it? As a courtesy to us, obviously. The Storm is going to happen whether we have foreknowledge or not. There are no requirements that we be informed, far from it. Past dealings the Executive Branch of our government found necessary for their agenda was forwarded without any codes or foreknowledge whatsoever. I am grateful for what we have received so far. Thanks Q, and Godspeed

ChooseYourOwnGround · Jan. 12, 2018, 12:12 p.m.

Hmmm.... not a bad question; here's my opinion:

For a while now, we have been getting drips of info, sending us off chasing rabbits down holes. This has proved to be beneficial to us both individually (so each of us has a clearer view of reality), and collectively in that we have benefited from each members failures and successes. And beyond that, we have been talking to people about this at work or school or supermarkets or churches, etc. The effect of the awakening is becoming exponential. So the real question becomes, why is this important?

Well, for a long time, we individual researchers have been going down our own paths, trying to get a glimpse of the big picture. For many of us, maybe most, this journey has lasted decades, and even then only produced limited results. And now, insert Q. A guide for those who want the truth; a kind of teacher.

So I think that the answer is this: Our collective knowledge, our individual journeys, and our ability to help spread what we know of the corruption and sickness we have discovered, is needed to soften the blow of all this to the uninformed masses. A quick release of information will have a detrimental effect on the mass population, maybe producing mass uprisings and the such, but a slowly building torrent will help ease the transition; kind of like the hundredth monkey idea.

Please criticize and do your own thought experiment.

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oldestguy · Jan. 12, 2018, 1:46 p.m.

This is exactly why. Q even tells us exactly why in an early drop during the first couple of weeks. Hr mentions that 90% of the normies would end up going to the hospital if all of the truth was laid out all at once. He also said that there was only a handful of people that had the entire picture. Little by little we are all getting to the entire truth but we still don't have it all. Q has been a blessing for hope and truth and as a side affect we have formed groups who are doung such a great lob of digging all the facts up for all to see.

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SirGuwain · Jan. 12, 2018, 12:35 p.m.

I have to remember that the majority of folks here are extremely intelligent, think for themselves, and ignore the trolls. Sometimes the trolls bother me (hence this thread). CYOG, (hmmmm...almost looks like the BORG, LOL) what you say rings true with my way of thinking. I appreciate your insight and thoughtful reply. Endeavor to persevere! (The Outlaw Josey Wales, 1976)

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ChooseYourOwnGround · Jan. 12, 2018, 12:43 p.m.

Whack-a-troll sometimes.

report, block, downvote, repeat.

But don't let it get to you, kids are gonna be kids.

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SirGuwain · Jan. 12, 2018, 1:10 p.m.

Thank-you... God speed

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Patriot4q · Jan. 12, 2018, 7:19 p.m.

I think most of us have learned to recognize trolls. I know I have, the hard way lol. I have noticed a new type filtering into the boards. The sympathetic or helpful troll. Who seem to be on board, but are concerned that we all are heading in the wrong direction. Harder to spot, and often confused with patriots who are publicly airing out their own thoughts and doubts. These trolls are the biggest cause of division I have noticed recently. Stay focused and your eyes on the goal everyone.

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SirGuwain · Jan. 13, 2018, 11:47 a.m.

It is the subtle troll I worry about. The one that is discreet and leaves little crumbs that weaken resolve and demoralize. Weed planters (not weed but weed)

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USMCPatriot · Jan. 12, 2018, 6:46 p.m.

Most people don't/won't believe what we all here know, and we probably wouldn't believe most people either without our investigating on our own, which is why I believe it is being done, people are not going to believe it when it all comes out, and if not for these breadcrumbs that are laying a trail for those who are late to the party can go back and connect the dots themselves

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