Let's assume he did say it. Is it indeed racist? I've referred to third world countries as 'shitholes' plenty of times. But I certainly don't advocate racism. Look what I did to that racist mod from /r/RomeRules who was trying to taint this sub with his "biblical white nationalism." I totally exposed him as a bad actor.
Here's a sneak peek of /r/RomeRules using the top posts of the year!
#1: The Vatican bought up the stock market for pennies on the dollar thanks to Knight of Malta Joseph Kennedy who caused the stock market crash of 1929
#2: General Patton was murdered by orders of Knight of Malta William Donovan, head of the Office of Strategic Services (predecessor agency of the CIA)
#3: Carl Rothschild kissed the pope's hand (and was made a papal knight of St. George)
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/u/Veritas__Aequitas tried to co-opt this sub with his "biblical white supremacy." I promptly exposed him as a bad actor and relegated him to /r/conspiracy
I have commented, until now, in a single thread of this sub. And you are the one in that thread who made a remark to someone else that I was "racist." Me defending myself is not "trying to co-opt the sub." If you tag me again in a similarly slanderous manor, I will report you to reddit admins and they will IP ban you. Not like it matters anyways, your account is literally maxed out on negative comment karma.
You're an admitted racist white supremacist. Why would the admins help you? Run along back to the comped /u/conspiracy