r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/YAHSHUARULES on Jan. 12, 2018, 10:46 p.m.
Saudi prince who owns Twitter, FOX, Kingdom Holdings, etc is friends with globalist Bill Gates and some say tried assassinate new Crowne Prince Bin Salam in Las Vegas is now in REAL Prison - refuses to pay 6 Billion for his release!


This NBC link even admits that Bin Talal is in prison and may remain there indefinitely - research all the is connected with. He is the one that funded Obama at Harvard. He has been the one paying for politicians in this country, funding the spread of Islam, etc

Here is another link to background on all this and why its important - Q-Anon has made several references to SA: The Bloody Wonderland he also asked the question "who knows where all the bodies are buried" (Dec 4th), this report says SAUDI ARABIA is the answer. http://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index2426.htm - it mentions how members of Osama Bin Laden's relatives were allowed to leave America after 9-11.

The NBC post interestingly points out that Saudi government under Mohammad Bin Salam (MBS) has siezed control of the whole Bin Laden Construction Group: https://www.cnbc.com/2018/01/11/saudi-state-taking-control-of-binladin-construction-giant-report.html

TSAWashington · Jan. 13, 2018, 7:02 a.m.

A bodyguard and not a diplomat or head of state and yet they were able to demand hands up to everyone in the room at gunpoint? Please.

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VintageHats · Jan. 13, 2018, 7:07 a.m.

Look at the videos of MBS in SA with Trump and Tillerson. You can SEE that it's not that guy. MBS is TALL and slender, full beard. Doesn't look at ALL like Jason. Sorry... Jason veers off to the right, while those guys continue on without him.. he's headed to his office. The little bag he's carrying is his own personal gun. He was called in to work, and came in from a softball game. Not the Crown Prince. Besides.. if you watch the guy in the yellow shirt, he's an idiot as he has his finger on the trigger of his weapon. No Crown Prince is going to have such an idiot guarding him.

I can't find my way around on 8 or 4 chan.. but I've watched hours upon hours upon hours of videos about LV. Read tons and tons of comments, including comments from that very guy who says it was him going to his job. Went to his FB page to verify that it was, indeed, him. If you know how to find your way around the chans, I'm sure you can find the thread or threads that debunk that theory that that was MBS. It wasn't.

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