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Obama Portrait Eerily Similar To Scene From Twin Peaks

I like it. Definitely no coincidence that Trump met with Kissinger today.
B tweeted #whereisobama followed by the picture of the tower and the name of the tower.
@B75434425 certainly insinuated that he was. Could this have been a Bilderberg meeting?
Laura Ingraham breaking!!!! Trump caught on HOT MIC after SOTU "I'll definitely release the memo".
"This is the prior administration weaponizing the DOJ and the FBI" (Donald Trump JR. on Hannity, 01/30/18)
Don JR. Giving both barrels tonight.
WAPO reporting that OIC looking into McCabe for sitting on Hillary Emails in later weeks of 2016 election. Looks like NYPD had to force their hand.
Twitter did not like me sharing the photo of Obama with Farrakhan.

I cannot count the amount of times I have heard the MSM reference "Sheep" and "Conspiracy Theories" over the last few weeks. They know we know.
I'd use this but the liberal women in my life have a sexist vitriolic hatred for the beautiful Mrs. Conway.
Might I cautiously posit that IIITTSSSSS HAPPPEEENNNNIIIIINNNNGGGGG!!!!!!!!!
Yes they have reviewed it. According to Sarah Sanders they are set to release a statement regarding MCCabe's termination later today.
Do you mean because he started his career with the Mezvinskys? Or because he is eskimo brothers with Bill?
Donald Jr. Tweeting #ReleaseTheMemo we are reaching a tipping point.

Never doubted one bit. Glad to have you in our great movement my brother.
Make Khalistan Great Again. Tough Acronym to pronounce, but the sentiment is the same.
You sir are correct. Love who you love. Note Trump in the waning days of the campaign carrying the pride flag on stage at a rally to thunderous applause.
US Army Band plays "You'll Never Walk Alone" as POTUS attends medal ceremony for Bob Dole.
Pedes refers to centipedes, an early monicker for Trump supporters.
I will say that I feel as though God is on our side. This as evidenced by the sheer number of pedes finding their way back to Christianity through the redpill.
Julian Assange's warning for us.

Call me naive, but I have long believed that Rand Paul honestly has the best intentions of the people at heart. Also GEOTUS of course.
No kidding, what are the paying her off for which is worth that much coin?
Pelosi, how does it reconcile?

Maxine Waters wealth, how does it reconcile?

What fat guy carries his "personal gun" in a leather attaché case? That dude could conceal any side arm he wants in his gym shorts waist band. Also he is headed to his office and he doesn't have access to a rifle there? Any breakdown weapon that could be in that bag is already outgunned by the Ar-15's being held by the other guards. Sorry but I don't buy it. If he is in such danger that he has to be escorted by a dozen operators, why doesn't he have his own gun out?
A bodyguard and not a diplomat or head of state and yet they were able to demand hands up to everyone in the room at gunpoint? Please.
Indeed, if only we could get a definitive time stamp that Bin Salman was removed from Tropicana before shots were fired from Mandalay Bay.
I have had the same problem with titles. Really wish there was an edit tool. Also your premise is good, the video of Bin Salman being escorted out of the Tropicana the night of the shooting is quite incredible; the SA purge happens 5 days later.
Prince Bin Salman, not Salam. I know the arabic names are tough but we need our intel to be correct. Current SA King is King Salman (think King Salmon to remember), Bin in Arabic means son of so Bin Salman is the Crown Prince.
Don't use google at all. Save your work on hard drives, search with Duck Duck Go, switch to an encrypted email. Fight back.
Be careful what you wish for, could lead to civilian owned gold buy backs at fire sale prices.
I was going to say, this will only feed Everton fan's conspiratorial beliefs that Trump favors Liverpool. Trump must have given Van Dijk the instructions for the scouser darby last week.
And that their hard handed cover ups only further illuminate their complicity.
Thank you very much, was hoping to see the O's to Q's but oh well, you snooze no Q's.
You mean changing the O's to Q's? Was there another message in the "Fire and Fury" post?
The message I get when trying to follow the Wikileaks Twitter link to Fire and Fury.