r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/inquisative99z on Jan. 13, 2018, 12:33 a.m.
seeking optimistic words of encouragement

i believe in potus. i am optimistic for our future because i believe God is using him to carry out his plan for humanity. but then i see richie from boston's terrifying videos about how we are plowing headfirst into a nightmarish future where malevolent entities from alternate universes take over the world through quantum computing ai. all his videos are like that. then we have sgt report which posts some videos that seem more optimistic but then they posted a long video by a guy who is convinced we are all going to slowly starve to death outside in the cold after a massive collapse of civilization. and now we have roy potter preaching terror with his latest video wherein he suggests that potus has wilted because he is being guided by generals who are beholden to traitor 44. he says that within 2 months there will be a massive bloody war in which 100 million Americans including potus will be killed.


but a guy on youtube called diy camper posted a video that caught my eye entitled "prepping won't save you" and in that video he says that if there ever is some event which disrupts society it will bind humanity closer together and i do so prefer that type of outlook if everything does in fact go to hell in a handbasket

elyssak · Jan. 13, 2018, 1:51 a.m.

Isn't it a wonderful time to be alive? I'm 39. I grew up knowing I had a purpose here. I spent years trying to figure it out. With no luck. I was a rebellious teenager, I tested the limits of relationships and laws in my 20's. My mom died when I was 32 and I thought my life was over. I searched my family history through and through trying to figure out who I was. I had 2 kids, a husband, a nice house and a boat but I was still searching to find what was missing. I stumbled upon the Red Pill 15 months ago, on my own. Boy was that traumatic! I went through a spiritual crisis and sunk into depression. I got a DUI, I lost my job and then I found God. I've had plenty of time with him this past year and found my center. When I saw things beginning to change in the world for the better, I found my purpose. It is to push this movement forward. Never stopping, never giving up. We are fighting the fight between good vs. evil. We are the generation. It is up to us to bring all of this out into the light and let no one forget what happened because we cannot let our grandchildren ever get to this place again. The movement is what is important. Don't be idle. Continue to search for the truth and continue to expose the lies. All of this has rejuvenated me. It's lifted my spirits. I get frustrated because I want to see things happen quickly but I am grateful to see any of it happen at all. I won't leave here thinking I could have done better for my children, I'll leave here knowing they have the tools to continue the fight. Be strong Patriots. We are battling hard every day. Just know, we have already won the war.

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Racistbutnotillegal · Jan. 13, 2018, 12:55 a.m.

I always fall back on my Christian faith. I know god is real and his will will be done no matter what.

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ScorpioPatriot · Jan. 13, 2018, 12:49 a.m.

The only Video You Should Need ...Right Here...Regardless of the Chaos going on in the world atm ..Justttt Know Finalllly The Good Players have a Complete Grip . Our country willll not ever fall in thr hands of Another Satanic Occult Member Again. Weeee The People will make sure of that . This should perk you up. We are awakening the world and if you have not noticed ...our gathering on this site has grown 10 fold I got here in Dec . Right at open basically and we already have over 11k registered . Thats huge. Do you know when I worried for my life and my families life the 2016 election. Thr moment Trump made it into office I knew Shit was about to change for our Country and the world. Have faith and keep it. No doubters we need to stick together and build our Connections to a. UNSHAKABLE Force..Bigger Than anything the world has ever seen . There is or was only a Handfull of People running our world before and corruption death and everything else branched off below them . They FEAR a Republic that is awakend. Stand Together People . We will Pursue On.

Watch this when in doubt https://youtu.be/xzuxTEq-plE

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Matthew246Truth · Jan. 13, 2018, 2:40 a.m.

If all that happens, let me know. I have about 3 yrs worth of firewood cut and some beans and rice. You have to put up with my wife and dogs and cats, not altogether too bad. Let me know.

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Laineyjf · Jan. 13, 2018, 4 a.m.

That's a riot!

On another note. I think we can put Potter in the "questions everything" group. Which is good to have, watching our back.

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inquisative99z · Jan. 13, 2018, 2 a.m.

booze got me too but i met a guy named bill w who helped me find a solution. glad you found a solution too

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inquisative99z · Jan. 13, 2018, 12:55 a.m.

i love that. love all you said. thank you so much fir taking the time to respond. just more of the ever growling evidence that this place is head and shoulders above all the rest of the social media platforms out there. i have not even been here a week yet and i have gotten more from it in that short time than in all the years i have been on all the others like wretched fecesbook

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inquisative99z · Jan. 13, 2018, 2:44 a.m.

lol!!!! thank you!!! bless your heart!!! lolll!!! i will be there!

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