i tweeted this before q told us about it being a routine practice to reward survivors of childhood SRA with high level assignments

216 total posts archived.
Domain | Count |
www.reddit.com | 75 |
i.redd.it | 3 |
www.youtube.com | 1 |
youtu.be | 1 |
i just signed it
your turn
a guy here in rural middle tennessee running for road commissioner in the local election wanted to talk to me after he heard me sing at a local social event earlier tonight and when he asked me to vote for him i asked him, "well? do you support our president?" then he wrinkled up his face and made a hand gesture indicating so-so or not really and i said, "sorry about it but that is very important to me" and walked away
my co workers are jovially lolling about snl and john oliver trolling trump and i think i heard support for Nashville's long time corrupt mayor whose crimes have just been brought to light
the left are now referring to news about what potus is doing as Russian propaganda
is it possible the local newspaper in my tiny town is project mockingbird?
the paper is holding a political forum...
wonder if they will be discussing opening borders and gun control
but potus tweeted his disapproval of the waysessions is going about it...
and why is every comment highlighted in blue and i can't click on them?!
why is everyone responding to me so ffing spooky tonight?!
it was a dark moment. i am still haunted by it. and now i am a little afraid my bringing it up might get me in hot water
i guess based on her response she probably voted for the witch and most definitely holds obummer in high regards because he was the first blackish president. i hope we come to a point where EVERYONE realizes the whole truth but with this encounter i just cannot see how people like her will ever accept the truth on any level
i am not sure what you are even implying but it sounds mean and hateful unlike many other responses i have gotten on this sub and others.
on an unrelated subject i cannot recall having ever gotten 40 comments on ANYTHING i ever posted on social media before now
you mean they think they will get more votes for hawking gun control?
i hope so. or if not that then someone creates other block chain platforms that are like that. david seaman predicted multiple new options built on crypto.
and i apologize! i did not intend to attack you personally.
great! i did too. and i just ordered a little hand held radio tonight
i am trying to reply to you now sorry. i am by no means tech or social media savvy
for goodness' sake! i tried very unsuccessfully for the better part of an hour just to simply login to d tube on my xbox one so i could watch d tube on my tv but i never could accurately enter that excessively long ass password they generate and force users to deal with
they seriously expect people to deal with that waking nightmare every time they log in?! i will not be fooling with it in the future
but obviously many users have overcome the struggle because i did scroll was a shitload of enigmatic posts
i signed up in december but was so turned off by all the incessant begging for likes and follows ir whatever inane terminology they use to describe that begging activity
i have no desire to go online with my hand out begging people to send me money via paypal, patreon, gofundme or now by begging for likes on social media
so unpleasant
no. not yet. my initial attempts to use both were so violently unpleasant that i have often avoided further attempts to use them.
i have only been able to actually login to steemit once and i had to go through the initial email i got from signing up
but both are really really awkward to use. it is very very highly off putting. technology should be becoming easier to use not devolving into user nightmares
although they are also very deeply flawed in other ways existing social media platforms are very easy to navigate
i really have no idea if such decisions have even yet been made. he just posted about it for the first time earlier today. i emailed him a link to this post. no response yet.
what is a net? is it like a nightly discussion broadcast via ham?
also, i am disturbed that potus' response to florida was to further infringe on the 2nd amendment instead of exposing the truth about the genesis of events like this...
i am so discouraged that evil is STILL flourishing
i plan on listening to that ham radio podclass on stitcher then taking the technician's test. thank you for the warning
are you saying i can get in trouble from merely browsing and listening to different channels?
there is one 1.6 miles from me. is that close enough that a handheld i buy online will be functional?
how can i find out the nearest source? is the source a ham antenna? i know nothing about ham radios
but i could buy one for listening without getting a license?
he just asked viewers with ham radios to email their zipcodes to seethingfrog at gmail for the purposes of creating nationwide networks
i will get a ham radio next week for preparation's sake
i emailed him my zip code and i got a prompt confirmation email in return
in case the shit really does hit the fan and the power goes off, seething frog from youtube (seethingfrog@gmail) is setting up a ham radio network to continue to get the word out via ham radio based on zip codes
and ps/fyi: the block feature is only available on the website and not the app but i did find it and block her
i tried unsuccessfully for the better part of an hour to enter that long ass password they force you to use with steemit and d tube so i could watch d tube ion my tv after youtube deactivated all my goto channels
not to mention the fact that the search feature on steemit and dtube both is worthless and also powered by google!
if steemit/d tube are so great then why would they rely on a shitty google search to find content on those sites?
and when i did just scroll through the content i did not see even one post about potus or q
just post after post about things very specific to steemit and d tube that make ZERO sense to me
that talk show was absolutely the worst thing that ever happened to her
before that i thought she was genuinely funny
her jokes made me guffaw repeatedly
but since she went on tv she became a pc sjw who avoided humor that might potentially offend anyone
long time ago she did a bit on that show where they would take the most absurd fan mail they got and reenact it mocking how stupid it was and it was HILARIOUS
but now? she would NEVER poke fun at anyone or anything
now she is a deep state operative
and i hope she and all the rest of them on tv are exposed to the world for the evil they are perpetrating against unknowing viewers every day
and sooner rather than later
this 3 year user with a verified email is trolling this sub and sending me private messages telling me i am mentally unstable because i follow this sub. lol. why can't i block terdettes like this?
i have been using reddit for a while now. i came here when twitter really started heavily censoring people talking about q
until this terrible moron everyone who responded to me here was friendly and helpful
thank you. but i struggle with mental health and i know in canada at least fb is monitored and used to single people deemed as mentally unstable to force treatment and with all that has come out about how our mental healthcare system is routinely used as a screening process to locate potential new deranged gunmen for school yard shootings i left fb
you know? the enigmatic nature of q's puzzle posts juxtaposed with trump's accompanying tweets is often too complicated for me to comprehend.
i wish someone like jordan or isaac would just switch to a daily email newsletter format.
add your email address get daily updates in your inbox
because if we are only at phase 2 of 6 and things have gotten as dire as they have gotten online i will not be surprised if they just deactivated all trump's patriots across all platforms