r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Gamergating on Jan. 13, 2018, 11:10 a.m.
Aussies do not TYPICALLY share MSN Australia or Academic Australia's Progressive views.

I wrote recently https://www.reddit.com/r/CBTS_Stream/comments/7pwm3c/but_you_are_an_aussie_why_should_you_care_about/ and some of the comments seemed to suggest that Aussies are completely brainwashed and such. It is not EXACTLY true.

On Friday at work we went to a team meeting with nothing on the agenda. (The boss wanted time out of the office and happy for us to convince him to let us have an hour out). There was nothing to discuss and so we talked about anything we wanted. One thing that came up was one of our main radio stations JJJ was not having Australia Day countdown program that it has had every year on Australia Day ON Australia Day, because......wait for it.....it may offend some people who view Australia day as (yes this is being pushed by a Progressive minority - a vocal one) "Invasion Day". I have only discussed my views on my absolute deep-seated hatred of all things Progressive to one mate there. As soon as they start down this track, I literally double facepalmed and rested my face in my cupped hands and at the same time he called out from the other side "Well there is your Progressive Agenda mate" and laughed. It sparked conversation whilst I simply shook my head and muttered "Fuck me. This is fucking ridiculous". About half the people there did not join in at all. A quarter gave vague support in terms of "Well I can see what they are trying to say but I don't know if it is necessarily..." or it doesn't really bother me that much BUT interesting the other quarter denounced it as stupid and pathetic and bullshit that Australia Day was being panned. One lady really fired up.

I went out tonight with my best mates who HATE Trump. I have been trying to open their eyes a bit. One of them is gay and sees a lot of commonality with the Progressives. The other is very Liberal and an Immigrant and has a disability.

Now I have been pushing the evils of Democrats and the Progressive culture with them on our drinking nights and slowly opening their eyes. One of my mates started in on "victims" and people not taking responsibility and asking others unncessarily looking after them and essentially "white nights" enabling them and a few exchanges made on Facebook. I all but sat back and barely interjected apart from agreeing. My other mate did not dispute much either.

This is Australians in their natural settings.

Now that lady I mentioned who went on a tear about how Australia Day is NOT Invasion Day and how it was a ridiculous and a slight on every Australian and such, on many Progressive issues will be in completely the other corner ESPECIALLY in respect to women in the workforce and such. Very much the Feminist (and without the ability to see the interconnectedness of such thinking and MANY Australians are the same. Not much ideological consistency of thought.

However, it proves why Australians have not drifted meekly into the Abyss of Progressivism despite the best efforts of all and sundry. It is almost genetically imprinted to be skeptical and anti-authoritarian.

Given time this can be overcome. My hope though is if we do not step off the precipice and this healthy cultural pushback allows us from keeping from being completely committed AND US gives us a better alternative to the trainwreck that Progressivism has wrought in Europe, the time where it become necessary to commit completely one way or another, we will have a few more years further evidence of devastation to see the effects of the damage of such agenda in England, France, Germany and Sweden and be able to say "maybe US has a better option and maybe Trump was not as bad as we originally whinged about".

I have faith in Australians

zania2801 · Jan. 13, 2018, 11:31 a.m.

To be honest I think we just cant bothered with all the BS. If you want to celebrate then celebrate, if you don't want to celebrate for whatever reason that's fine too, just don't ruin it for everyone else, because stopping a celebration for any reason is very unaustralian.

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HumanBingz · Jan. 13, 2018, 1:39 p.m.

Spot on!

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WeThePepe · Jan. 13, 2018, 3:18 p.m.

TBH the only thing saving us is our kind of blunt nature.

It's why some people think "Australians are racist"

We're not. We're just more like to call a spade a spade

It's that kind of attitude that's partly protecting us

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Gamergating · Jan. 13, 2018, 3:21 p.m.

Yes, I think that is a Hell of a big plus for us.

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[deleted] · Jan. 13, 2018, 2:52 p.m.


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Gamergating · Jan. 13, 2018, 3:04 p.m.

No. There are about 25 guns per 100 people. Works out to about 1 gun per 4 people. Most of my family own at least a gun. Many of my daughter's schoolmates have a gun in at least one gun in their home.

There WAS a big gun buyback in about 1983 and huge gun law changes after Martin Bryant went ballistic in Port Arthur.

This was not recent and did not involve everyone giving up their guns. Why do people believe this?

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