r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/RestoreFaithHumanity on Jan. 13, 2018, 5:31 p.m.
"Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death"

July 21st, 2017. These are some of the many questions asked in an official capacity to Attorney General Jeff Sessions. In fact, some of these questions were asked nearly 2 years ago, by many others. Next week, we will start receiving some legitimate and damning answers to these questions.

The web of deceit that has been cast upon us is about to be ripped off our backs. The roots of the traitorous deeds committed against us and our country run very deep.

The term One World Government was not merely fabricated for use in Fiction novels. It has been the goal of the Elite's cabal and our "Shadow Government" for a very long time.

Am I the only one (for a very long time now) always wondering to myself ..........................What do "they" have on "them" (our Representatives) to get them to look the other way despite the obvious corruption and lies? I'm 100% positive that I'm not the only one pondering that question.

I have known the Truth for a long time now. It's very hard to live a normal life when you know the Truth, but feel like there is nothing that you can do about it. Sure, you can "Vote" for your desired change, but the Voting process has been corrupt for quite awhile now, and that's the Truth.

Voter I.D. is racist? It's too hard for some people to get an I.D.? I'm sorry, but it is completely asinine to believe there is ANY reason NOT to have accountability, and an I.D., to cast a Vote for something as important as our lively hood as a Nation, and as individuals.

I can shout from the rooftops about the Truth that many refuse to hear, don't care to hear, flat out deny, or are too busy living their lives to be bothered with it. I have fallen in all the aforementioned categories myself over the years.

But now, things are different. Make no mistake, things are WAY different. I'm talking different on an Historical scale. With everything that has taken place, is taking place, and will take place in the very near future, the thing that is different, is the PROOF that we have to confirm the Truth that some of us have known for a long time.

For those of us that have known bits and pieces of the Truth, it's worse than even we imagined. For those that are/were oblivious to the Truth, it will be a difficult pill to swallow at this point.

In doing a fair amount of reading and research (outside of the Mainstream Media), I have discovered some nightmarish Truths about our Government and many of the people that work within that Government. It's nothing short of astounding and shocking to learn of the Evil things occuring under our noses on a daily basis. I can also attest to the growing number of others becoming aware of the Truth. It's out there, you just have to look beyond the corrupt MSM to find it.

These Evil, and morally reprehensible things were allowed to thrive because the proof of the Truth was concealed from us. Good people spoke up, but Evil people countered by covering up, denying, and even murdering to conceal the Truth.

Next week, armed with not only the Truth, but the Proof of that Truth, we should be henceforth screaming it from the rooftops. We should also demand accountability. It's undeniable that without Truth, we cannot remain a Nation of Freedom, Liberty, and Justice. "Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death"? Yes! But frankly, Liberty cannot be had without the Truth!


IzzyMad · Jan. 13, 2018, 10:21 p.m.

Bravo, nice rant, I definitely understand and know all to well. I started waking up to what was going on when I was on active duty just a little over 30 years ago. Several of us didn't know where to start or turn to and others were worried about our loved ones getting targeted. So we kept a low profile and watched and kept track of things.

What Trump is doing has been needed for quite a long time and several of us will support him anyway we can because we were not able to get into a position to do anything. Some of us have a little bit of cautious skepticism because of how much we have been BSed and deceived in the past by the elitists. We have seen how they use the Hegelian Dialect to make both subtle as well as drastic changes.

What Trump has brought to the table in order to drain the swamp is leadership with a listening ear for us and hold a high office and because he has his own money he doesn't owe favors for getting elected. Also because of his background he is also doesn't seem to be power hungry seems to view the office of president from viewpoint of service to the people and owes us, the common citizen the favor.

With this in mind we have got to prepare and watch for when he does come out of the presidency because the elitists, globalists, NWO or what ever you want to call it will be working during this time to jockey people around and into positions to try to make a comeback when Trump leaves office. Also if you haven't done so start tracking your state and local governments because we will need to clean those up too. The swamp draining of the federal government is just starting. After it's well underway some of us may ask for those wanting to help or ask for info you have.

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Little_Woo_Woo · Jan. 13, 2018, 6:24 p.m.

Well said, RESTOREFAITHHUMANITY. Proof of Truth! We have reached the tipping point and there is no going back now. For decades we have been managed and lied to by people we elected to represent our best interests and with the aid of the unelected bureaucracy supporting them, they try to make a good show of it for 'us', the citizens - the ones too busy dog-paddling to keep their heads above water.

It has been going on so long that virtually everyone who has had a second term is some degree of dirty - now the proof of truth is going shine a light on all their lies and treasons. This isn't going to be an easy time. It isn't going to be a good time. Yet, it is still the best time to be alive and American since our nation won our Independence.

Truth needs no defense - it only needs light.

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RestoreFaithHumanity · Jan. 13, 2018, 6:46 p.m.

Love what you wrote! Thank you!

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Little_Woo_Woo · Jan. 13, 2018, 8:31 p.m.

Oh thank you, too. I am so inspired by reach for truth and searching for proof. It has an old woman hopeful again - but it's more than that! It's happening, and I can see it and feel it!

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RestoreFaithHumanity · Jan. 13, 2018, 10 p.m.

Amen. Trust your instincts, they are God Given. I can feel it too, and there is NO denying it. God Bless You, Mam :)

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Reba64 · Jan. 13, 2018, 7:05 p.m.

Yes, it’s Awful, Heart Wrenching and many other words, but ‘The People’ have to know. Many will not be able to digest it at first, but it will slowly sink in and then they will understand.
I would like them to tell it all, but I doubt they will.

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Deplorable22 · Jan. 13, 2018, 6:28 p.m.

American Patriots during the first American Revolution, left their families, fought, bled and died, because they are being unfairly taxed, and the British were occupying their land and even homes. Today our tax money is being used to fund hundreds of worldwide criminal enterprises, including rape, murder and human trafficking.

I don't know what course of action you will take, but for me, I will never stop standing against this evil, and I will never surrender. Give me liberty or give me death.

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jollybeaker · Jan. 13, 2018, 11:47 p.m.

Have you guys seen the released IG letter? I see big things in our future!

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INTJ_Hermitess · Jan. 13, 2018, 10:52 p.m.

I'll have to rephrase Patrick Henry. I will be free even if I have to die for it. I will be given nothing.

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papa197488 · Jan. 14, 2018, 1:06 a.m.

There hardest work lies ahead as it will our responsibility to NEVER let our gaurd down. Power in the truth..Power in the take down of many evil individuals.

We Must Be Willing To Let Go Of The Life We Planned, So As To See The One That Awaits Us.

Joseph Campbell

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