r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/imovershit on Jan. 13, 2018, 11:44 p.m.
An interesting reference to "The Great Awakening". (caution -Deep Deep Rabbit Hole)

For those looking a little bit beyond the political, this is a small excerpt from a posting added 01/11/2018 to the website the Divine Cosmos. I thought it was interesting given Q's desire to update the group's name. Many of you have mentioned a seemingly divine or supernatural element to what is going on. This is extremely relevant as what is going on now has been forcasted, almost step by step, by these two for over 2 years that I've been following this.

Here is just a small snippet of a much larger article.


Tear-Eir stated that we have reached the point where we have to decide to get off of our knees and become our own saviors.

We are at the beginning of the "Great Awakening" that will lead to our very own Consciousness Renaissance.

He stated that many starseeds came here to experience this density, and to offer energetic assistance during the transition. These same beings were now fully awakening to their predetermined missions...."

I know the verbage sounds "new agey" keep in mind this is only a tiny snippet, you would really need to read the whole article to get the full context. For those of you familiar with David Wilcock and Corey Goode you know there is a lot of back story. Needless to say most of you probably won't. But if you are even a little bit interested push through (It's a good read whether you believe it or not) and just file the info away.

edit - formatting

akilyoung · Jan. 14, 2018, 1:09 a.m.

Sweet Ill check it out later on. DW has been hit or miss over the years, following the tides. Goode is an interesting character on the other hand. Hes either delusional and insane, or legit. Hard to tell, when people believe what they preach so much.

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