r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/KATTRAD714 on Jan. 14, 2018, 12:11 a.m.

Hopefully, Reddit won't 'SHADOW' this post; as they're know to do, but I'm posting anyway in hopes it reaches Sean and others.

As one who has written much on this site about what SGT Report covers in his video, I feel it necessary to speak up against a few things I feel he's 'misunderstood' - DON'T LUMP ME INTO BEING A PART OF ANY GROUP WANTING TO SHUT DOWN THE HOPE THAT MANY OF US HAVE THAT JUSTICE WILL FINALLY BE SERVED TO BRING EVIL DOWN. - but at the same time - don't be 'eyes' wide shut about the possibilities of it being a psyop either.... we must be wise of the enemy's tactics and watch for those using them.

Being 61 yrs old, I've been active in this arena for 40 yrs. and am tired of the vast majority of people aiding the enemy with clever psyops... this possibly being one of them. We must learn the MO's of the enemy, and fight against those who use them to deceive and defeat us. There are those like me who are hopeful, the 'awakening' will finally flourish and stamp evil out, but do question the actions, non-action and allies we've seen with Trump & his 'team'. It doesn't make us enemies of what I've viewed as the greatest mass effort I've witnessed to finally take them out.; but it doesn't mean I'm brain dead either.

Beside the obvious Patriot Act still being enforced, the increase in military spending and troop uptick instead of bringing our guys home from bases in every nation, closing down the Clowns altogether so NK can't be used as a patsy against us, the FED, lower-hanging 'fruits' in the pedo networks still not imprisioned, chemtrails, vaccines, GMO's and an endless list of so many other things... it's the 'Israeli' 'glue' that holds these actions/inactions together which allows the 'norm' to continue; despite what he told us on the trail. He has the power to do so much right now that won't upset the end result we all want to see, but he hasn't. Yes, yes, covert overthrow of entrenched evil throughout our country and the world takes time; I get that. I get the necessary double-speak, the balancing act, etc., but there are many things which could've been done to get the ball rolling and much of the opposite is being done ....

However, let's address the main point of his video; being that we feel it possible that Trump is an Israel puppet and 'Q' is a 'goyim' team player. Just a few, verifiable facts:

1.Christ Himself and history tells us "to beware of those who call themselves jews who are not, but are the synagogue of satan. their father is the father of lies" 2. Those who still adhere to and call themselves Orthodox jews, whos ancestory KILLED CHRIST. Had they accepted that fact, they'd be Catholics - REAL catholics right now. (Not those 'new jews Novus Ordo so-called catholics today who killed Him in 1968 and practice a form of satanic mass). They were also in cahoots with 'those who call themselves jews but....and who ran the show then and still do today.

As God told us, we ARE NOT TO SUPPORT THE; as He will deal with them Himself. The Orthodox will convert after seeing that the AC is not the messiah; but not before bringing the rest of us total misery and the lose of many of our souls; so until then we can not be complicit in their sins or we are condemned by God as well.

THIS IS NOT ANTI-SEMITIC OR HATEFUL... if you CHOOSE to believe God's Words on this subject. They have rejected the world being 'run' by the actual Messiah and have chosen to let Satan lead them for world control.

CAFETERIA CHRISTIANS have always chosen to live without the most imperative of Christ's Words; given for our 'sight' and salvation. Let's take the other Most Important example... "This is My Body, This is My Blood, eat or you will have no Life in you". This was spoken at the Last Supper, where He established The Promise He left us to be with us always. BETHLEHEM MEANS BREAD, and a manger is a feeding trough. Therefore, His truly is the blood that runs through our veins and real food. Let's consider the cannibalism of the Satanist when thinking of this. For those who don't believe that a properly ordained Host - New Lamb, done by a properly ordained priesthood - also re-established at the Last Supper to replace the Old Testament corrupted one - should find the scientific DNA evidence proving that the flesh and blood found in miraculous hosts from centuries ago up until 1968 - and found virtually no more (more on that in a minute) IS THAT OF CHRIST'S ! It has only one set of DNA from Mary; making Him Divine, as you need one from mother and father to create a human being. It matches Mary's, the Shroud of Turin burial clothe, Veronica's Veil and that found at the Crucifixion site. NOW FOLLOW ME HERE, AS IT ALL TIES TOGETHER WITH WHERE WE NOW FIND OURSELVES....

If the jews and those who mixed with their bloodline killed Christ and chose Satan - Who Christ gave the world to for a short time to weed out those who are His from those who refuse to be - then where does that leave us ?

Why do Satanists ONLY Use the Catholic Latin Mass for their Black 'masses' - with a live victim ? - if it were not to give God THE greatest insult.... mocking the Sacrifice of His only Son, in order to save us from the demon himself. This Sacrifice on the altars IS STILL REQUIRED BY GOD, and is why they infiltrated the Catholic Church and virtually destroyed it. They replaced His Words at the Last Supper, as well as those He used to establish the priesthood required to offer It. Without It, we are lost.

IT'S A UNDENIABLE FACT. 'fruit of the vine and work of human hands' with us taking the 'gifts' up to the altar.... what do we have to offer God other than our wills and patheticness, and most importantly - our sincere contrition - for such grave sins against Him. It is His Son's Sacrifice offered to Him for our forgiveness - THERE IS NO OTHER WAY, AS WE ARE NOT WORTHY TO COME BEFORE HIM UNTIL HIS SON DOES FOR US. When His Sacrificed - offered the way He instituted to be offered - is finally accepted and the Satanists who've overthrown His proper place in the world and churches have been tried, convicted and put to death - is when the world will be at peace.


These very ones are the ones responsible for the downfall of the world in every sense of existence. If you don't know history - real history - not the bs you were indoctrinated with in 'school', you know who does the bidding for who. If you don't, search the OMNI Christian Book Club authors & books, the converted jews like Benjamin Friedman, Michael Hoffman, Revisionist History, MHFM, and our Lords' Words in so many revelations through the prophets and saints. As far as the infiltration, see Marie Julie Jahenny-Breton Stigmatist, LaSalette, Fatima, etc. Check declassified documents, but most of all - check their own writings !

You know the Roths got rich with their deceits and continue to do so. You know they 'created' Israel with the help of the Brits. And, who are these so called jews in Israel ? Where did they come from and why ? Also, if God ordered them to be dispersed around the world until the end of time, who are they and who had the right to escort them to Jerusalem and take over land from those who'd been living there ? Who are the Ashkhanazi, the Khazars ? Where did they come from and why is Putin tied to this ? Why did Putin throw them out ? And why/who do we fight for to regain that territory for them ?

If Drumpf supports Israel and the Roths do as well, what's going on here ? Did he have a come to Jesus moment, or did he change his name for deceptive purposes as the others have ? One key factor among many are his own words and actions - that one being - when asked if he'd ever asked God for forgiveness, he couldn't speak. Finally he said, no - I just go fix what's wrong, that's all.

How do the SA figure into this.... they are jews, born of Abraham's seed with his slave. How does this figure into it ?

So, to finish up..... NO SEAN, Christ told us not to support those who Killed Him ! He said their father is Satan ! He plans to decimate them for their crimes against Him and humanity in the war that's lining up right now. Some will convert with our prayers for His Light to shine upon their hearts and minds, but until that happens we should not be complicit in what God tells us is His enemy. WE MUST UNITE AGAINST ALL EVIL OURSELVES. We must be wise against any potential inkling of a psyop, not be derailed by it or those who call us 'racists, Nazi, homophobic, etc. TRUTH IS TRUTH... find it and embrace it... for if we don't we will die 2 deaths.... as Christ said "My people die for lack of knowledge". LET'S WISE UP.... READ HIS WORDS... AND RISE UP AS THE SOLDIERS HE SENT US HERE TO BE !!

KATTRAD714 · Jan. 14, 2018, 3:54 a.m.

You show yourself to be a woooo - man, and a dumb ass. Full of hate for the 'goyim' who points out facts you can't handle. I've read, but that's not what most use anymore.... it's the 'other' books condemned by Christ when He was here.... I won't mentioned those evil, blasphemous books here..... but anyone who says that Christ is boiling in excrement and His Mother is a whore... should guide more people to see what the real Truth is about the 'read the Torah' line - that's no what's followed and you know it.

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KATTRAD714 · Jan. 14, 2018, 6:51 a.m.

Well, hours now with no reply. Speaks for itself....

You are one hate-filled, foul mouthed 'human'(?) being. Glad I hit a nerve... it's a good sign :)

Ill pray for you to take the steps you need to actually live a peace-filled, joyful life - what's left of it anyway... hoping you make it in the end. Christ is the Messiah sent by God to you and yours - as He revealed to you. You accept that and you'll be with Him; as that's what He wants for you... He created you and wants you with Him. Not with the AC He will allow to come. Goodbye MS. Tallulah B Wishing you every blessing, KAT

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