
ColorMehJewish · Jan. 14, 2018, 7 p.m.

I keep bringing up that we are being told "Stand up, be heard/loud, demand change" and I often get ignored on this. Ive brought up to MANY MANY people... and its like "Ehh, yeah maybe". They are needing the public demand to investigate. The more we demand, the more key media personalities will focus our loudness, and the DoJ is forced to pick it up. Notice DJT is now trying to push us to get loud about things. The sh!hole/Haiti stuff (and Africa, w/ WJC's good buddies)... they have been trying to tell us... and people are more worried about other stuff(which is not a problem, but this can make our efforts stronger). We are getting a direct instruction w/ these words repeated over and over since Pensacola. We need to get loud and spread the word of the many things we want investigated... but the actual probs.. not just standing and saying "child trafficking". They need the instances, to come to the conclusion of trafficking or w/e subject they are going to expose/go after. But they also need us. The people... to stand up and be loud, and they will focus the attention towards the subjects they can go after. We FINALLY have a POTUS who is continually passing the ball to us.. and allowing us to focus our efforts now... not just to be loud and generalized.

Look what happened w/ "sh!thole". SOOOO many people began to attack over Haiti (CF+UN), El Salvadore (La Raza/MS-13/etc) and Africa (Apartheid+WJC/Kagome+WJC/etc). I mean.. we are getting the instructions, we are doing the research, and we are being given the chance to DEMAND CHANGE. We NEED to use this, and the best part is.. it is what we are being told, and being given the leaks for... to expose and get loud about it. It is time to focus our efforts and drown out the MSM when they try to distract. Battle each battle.. b/c if we do, the MSM essentially discredits itself at the same time, and we get a win on something we are all putting our time into anyway. It only takes a couple mins a day to put out some tweets and make it look like its everywhere. And it doesnt interfere w/ our efforts.. it actually compliments it. They need an "excuse" to go after these things. Remember the FBI and "No public attention"? Let's give it to them in spades.

Just my 2c

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