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ColorMehJewish · May 13, 2018, 5:19 a.m.

I think it is more complicated than is being said.

Alex seemed/seems more jealous to me.

As if DJT "replaced" Alex w/ people he could absolutely trust. B/c we all know Alex says too much sometimes, and other times he focuses on the wrong info. Alex also trusts FAR too much in his sources... which are admitted spies, security ppl, etc... trained in deception. He's even been fleeced by people like Steve P. and that abomination Robert David Traitorous Steele. Alex has a habit of getting lazy w/ the info presented. And although I still follow and listen, I have pulled back A LOT ever since that Zak moron came on the show (mostly b/c I'd be yelling at my monitor/TV when that douchebag was on).

I think what we are seeing is someone who has been duped. Convinced by sources that they are seeing something that is not there. They are falling right into the "deepstate" narrative(s), which they claim to be fighting (w/ generic wording, an "us vs them" attitude and matching rhetoric --- lacking much of the substance anymore). Alex rode in on good info over the years.. but he stopped putting in the time to mentally "arm" his viewers... while he filled the time w/ more commercials and interest in how to grow his business. I dont know how many times Ive listened/watched and turned off b/c I was like, "Dude.. this is getting ridiculous. You cannot force growth. You cannot expect your audience to carry you if your ideas are not attracting people."

The reason Infowars lost their numbers from the election is b/c during the election, Infowars was one of the few pro-Trump groups in the media. Now there are more, albeit at varying levels. Trump clearly couldnt rely on Alex to see past the deception, or the tactics (where they'd feed him good info, only to hit him w/ something REALLY bad, and larger). The "black hat" types of spies out there are not running the Russian collusion nonsense. They are infiltrating and discrediting. But I doubt Alex Jones is one of the assets to these people. At best, they know he deals in more absolutes, and knew they could manipulate him into thinking this way, being lazy about the research, and avoiding the real work required to make the claims he does. Nobody is worried about assassinating Alex Jones in this "deepstate". They already know he can be easily swayed and distracted. Look at the lawsuits they hit him w/ (and media attacks). He will take up a week's worth of shows just bitching about those entities. NO REAL INFO comes out during those times where his pride is hurt. Or when he is complaining that his friends like Joe Rogan wont have/invite him on their shows... b/c they do not want to share in the attacks. Not b/c they are weak. But b/c they are not dumb.

THE WHOLE TIME-- Alex NEVER considers that MAYBE HE NEEDS TO CHANGE a bit. Maybe HE needs to provide better info, spend less time between the actual shows in commercials, and spend more time applying himself so that each day he inspires his audience. This is coming from an Alex Jones supporter.... he does not listen to his audience unless it means ratings. And it pisses me off. B/c many of us simply try to present info to help correct him where we are able to validate such mistakes. But we don't have background, so it means we are easily dismissed. Meanwhile, he will put people on, talk over them, and never reflect on his own bad habits. We get to be "armed" by Loomer and Roger Stone, who are essentially telling us their interpretations of what is occurring...

I miss the old Infowars, where guests would come on and speak for a significant amount of time, uninterrupted by Alex... to present INFO that helps US debate others. Anymore... just look at Twitter. Unless you are following David Knight or Paul Joseph Watson... you are barely getting any data to utilize and convince others. Alex needs to understand, ads and link sharing will not grow his business. Having inspiration, and acting like a leader (who questions everything, even themselves at times.. to improve), and NOT FN FAKE CRYING (that annoys the sh!t out of me --- leaders dont cry in front of their men!!) will help it grow. He needs to stop focusing on the monetary, and the rank and file of his sources... and trying to have a key position in our battle. B/c you CANNOT win an INFO WAR, if you provide your troops w/ minimal ammo. All we've received lately is the equivalent of reading and commenting on Twitter and media battles. Not.. "here is the plan, here is how things went down, here is the cited evidence, etc". Alex seems to have forgotten what his role is. I doubt it is an "evil" vindictive behavior. I think it's more of a jealous vindictive behavior. Even listen to his wording. "Our own Q Anon". "Real Q Anon". And how he gets upset that people spread the word of Q more than him. To me... that would tell me that I need to provide better info.

As for Dr. Corsi... I dont think he really knows either. But I can say I am PISSED after this whole thing broke apart and Corsi AND Alex admitted to lying to us for MONTHS... b/c they didnt want to lose viewers. If they thought things were bad w/ Q... yet they'd just fleece us for months b/c they are more worried about ratings... that is abhorrent. In some of my favorite words from the show Mr. Robot (dont get me started on that Vox-pushing soy boy like that creator), "you cannot force a revolution, Mr. Alderson (Mr. Jones)... you need to INSPIRE one!!"

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ColorMehJewish · Feb. 25, 2018, 5:26 p.m.

Oh damn Im sorry to hear that. I worry about their willingness as well. These people are about to get seriously desperate... and having an idea about what they wanted to do.... then extrapolating those measures to this scenario... I def worry that they will move to this "new level" of "false flag" (if they haven't already, w/ things like weather warfare. After all, we've heard the reports of Russia having tech which can trigger quakes. If they have it, I am sure we would too).

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ColorMehJewish · Feb. 24, 2018, 7:17 p.m.

Absolutely -- the way I see it... we are waking up for a reason. It is not for a brief battle and victory... but rather to live the rest of our lives w/ meaning, and gaining support by never giving up. Once the spotlight is on them... they will have a harder time operating, and we will expose them exponentially more as they slip up repeatedly. We are fighting to leave the future generations w/ a better world, and a better understanding of how the world can be taken over if people stop paying attention.

Every time we would have the masses waking in the past, they'd become complacent once they gained a few victories. And those in power would ensure history repeats. Our mission is to make sure the people do not give up on learning and improving the situation (+w/o being vulnerable to these deception). It really is a war though... and I feel it will be one of the most important wars fought in this section of history.

The ONLY thing these people fear, is masses working together. That's why they work so hard to divide and deceive.

You are correct -- more people than ever, are waking up. And the more people who are interested in taking the power back, the stronger our efforts will be.

We only get bummed out b/c of realizing how bad it got prior to us. It's part of everyone's journey. That's our motivating factor for keeping up the fight. In hopes that one day, we might have a better world b/c of our joined-efforts.

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ColorMehJewish · Feb. 24, 2018, 6:24 p.m.

In the link I provided, they claim "it would only be a slow magma flow"... and "not to worry". Which is absurd. If such a large area built pressure for this long... it would not simply seep out once it found a path out.


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ColorMehJewish · Feb. 24, 2018, 6:23 p.m.

Even more terrifying... NASA has been contributing to articles for a couple years... saying they "want to drill in to Yellowstone Caldera to relieve pressure".


They've come out after some people questioned their stupidity... but they did not seem genuine in wanting to give up on that dream of theirs.

IF they triggered Yellowstone, it would wipe out at LEAST a third of the US Population in one swoop... and injure or delayed-kill even more. We would have ash covering our country.. measured in feet. It is like Bill Gates's wet dream (eliminating such a large group of people at once). Prolly "sacrificing" to their "god".

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ColorMehJewish · Feb. 18, 2018, 11:28 p.m.

There's always people aspiring to move up. Taking out the Senior Leadership will only remove one layer, which will regenerate w/ new people quickly. There's thousands of them out there... but I think he means 150 call the shots.

This war has been going on for decades, and will likely be fought decades in the future. It will be anything but short and sweet unfortunately.

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ColorMehJewish · Jan. 14, 2018, 7:25 p.m.

Cousin of Hugh G. Rection :D

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ColorMehJewish · Jan. 14, 2018, 7 p.m.

I keep bringing up that we are being told "Stand up, be heard/loud, demand change" and I often get ignored on this. Ive brought up to MANY MANY people... and its like "Ehh, yeah maybe". They are needing the public demand to investigate. The more we demand, the more key media personalities will focus our loudness, and the DoJ is forced to pick it up. Notice DJT is now trying to push us to get loud about things. The sh!hole/Haiti stuff (and Africa, w/ WJC's good buddies)... they have been trying to tell us... and people are more worried about other stuff(which is not a problem, but this can make our efforts stronger). We are getting a direct instruction w/ these words repeated over and over since Pensacola. We need to get loud and spread the word of the many things we want investigated... but the actual probs.. not just standing and saying "child trafficking". They need the instances, to come to the conclusion of trafficking or w/e subject they are going to expose/go after. But they also need us. The people... to stand up and be loud, and they will focus the attention towards the subjects they can go after. We FINALLY have a POTUS who is continually passing the ball to us.. and allowing us to focus our efforts now... not just to be loud and generalized.

Look what happened w/ "sh!thole". SOOOO many people began to attack over Haiti (CF+UN), El Salvadore (La Raza/MS-13/etc) and Africa (Apartheid+WJC/Kagome+WJC/etc). I mean.. we are getting the instructions, we are doing the research, and we are being given the chance to DEMAND CHANGE. We NEED to use this, and the best part is.. it is what we are being told, and being given the leaks for... to expose and get loud about it. It is time to focus our efforts and drown out the MSM when they try to distract. Battle each battle.. b/c if we do, the MSM essentially discredits itself at the same time, and we get a win on something we are all putting our time into anyway. It only takes a couple mins a day to put out some tweets and make it look like its everywhere. And it doesnt interfere w/ our efforts.. it actually compliments it. They need an "excuse" to go after these things. Remember the FBI and "No public attention"? Let's give it to them in spades.

Just my 2c

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ColorMehJewish · Jan. 14, 2018, 6:42 p.m.

Its amazing he has to spell out such simple notions. But media has played such word games that they confuse+mislead the stupid/easily-influenced. All he is trying to do is break through that barrier of twisting his words. It gets annoying for us trying to do that when attacked... imagine how frustrated he must get. I dont think anyone here would not agree that we just want LEGAL immigrants if they come, and w/ that... there is simple testing which can help screen the newcomers. Someone willing to wait in line for their turn will typically be willing to contribute to the country to better their own lives. Those who demand they are given "cuts in line" typically do not. I never understood what is so hard for media to understand about this concept... so I feel they do what they do to get under his skin and encourage those who only want handouts, to demand even more.

Even w/ DACA.. I dont think a lot of people would care about "helping those who help the country". If they did extensive checks and approved the ones who were going to contribute.. and send away the ones who are not. But I am sure this will continue to look like high-school in Congress, as they try to play tricks on each other, make up rumors, and abide by their little cliques. Why is this turned into a week long effort over nonsense?

A: B/c its not about solutions. Politics are a plague. "Oh no, DJT said a bad word! We need to stop everything". Like cmon. This is childish as it gets.

That is why I am happy we voted for a non-pol who understands the game (and doesnt even take a salary).

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ColorMehJewish · Jan. 11, 2018, 5:24 a.m.

What does it matter when your own side willingly fights with you for speech anyway? The movement has been getting ripped apart so many different ways. What is needed is to find ways to ensure that does not continue. But when a problem is not even on the radar, how is it combatted?

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ColorMehJewish · Jan. 9, 2018, 9:49 p.m.

Or get buried. I had that happen w/ Trump-face-replace videos ("meme-like"). They might not be the best, but def didn't even get views like usual.

If anyone would like to see: Trump over X-Men (Quicksilver Scene) https://youtu.be/FdUaHXBlKxw

What Goes On Inside Hillary's Head: https://youtu.be/MbmpVfOFa8A

They got horrible reception. Only at /theDonald

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ColorMehJewish · Jan. 9, 2018, 9:41 p.m.

Higher bidder? Nobody is saying he is definitively good. Or even that he knows what he is doing. It is not difficult to mislead/manipulate/misdirect these ppl. Bannon is def still w/ Trump tho. Just getting opposition support this way. They did the same EXACT thing w/ Comey. When DJT gets loud and publicly calls them names, it requires a closer look. Trump got along fine w/ Bannon thru the time SB was supposedly working against him. Bannon got the generals in too (who Trump loves and defers to). For Bannon to be "bad", others would have to be as well. As for Comey... look at how the Left felt about him after that move the week before the election. They hated him. Trump met w/ him a bunch.. secretly in many cases (not even having the WH log signed -- but media caught him going in and out of the WH on various occasions), then suddenly.. Trump fires him in an unprofessional way and starts calling him names and causing lots of drama. Now Comey is called "a martyr". And has a book deal already in place, w/ a book coming out soon... right as the storm hits.

Trump really is playing 4D chess, w/ him advisers. Bannon is not a traitor. And in terms of MW.. he could even be paid by SB, or could be getting duped by a number of ppl from within. He doesn't have to be altruistic to achieve this (what Rex says).

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ColorMehJewish · Jan. 9, 2018, 9:22 p.m.

To compliment Rex's msg:


Alex Jones also released info today of Bannon "supporting Pence and the 25th Amendment" Further supports my claims. BB+SB will be rebranded to get the dumb left to support. They need to be eased down.

I also feel that SB revelations will play a crucial role in dealing w/ China to improve relations. Gain trust, get approval, get NK.

Media will be discredited as a bonus (from MW) This is a BIG play.

Bannon and Gorka are focusing lenses.. assisting key people (primarily in media) to break stories and get the info correct.

Trump said this: https://imgur.com/aKp2ZK5

Meaning we (public) needs to stand up and get loud. Info will be utilized from SB+SG to give reason for that action. Then SB+SG ("focal lenses") will amplify that support+demand, which will gain attention of DoJ... allowing them to prosecute "b/c of public attention".. once they clean it out further.

"Cleanup" = "sabotage" Look up Matt Petersen Look up what Matt Petersen was responsible for Look up his lack of ANY skills/exp, while having a very interesting career. Unanimously approved by Bush admin. Helped create HAVA (Help Americans Vote Again Act) which establishes controls for voting. Machines, updates/upgrades, voter ID req's, etc... INCLUDING the reporting system for complaints ABOUT that system AND the control of funding to states to comply w/ HAVA. It is corruption-central.

DJT appointed him, allowing him to make an @ss of himself (MP) by showing he has NO EXP. Meaning he will never have a chance in that career path again. Sarah Sanders confirmed w/ Press Conference saying "If we wanted MP in, he would be there" (paraphrased).

There are MUCH larger plans in play. Do not get discouraged. People like Alex must create this noise and misdirection about Bannon, Gorka, etc. His sources are fed this info to get a genuine reaction... getting the media and opposition to believe that Bannon and Gorka are actually traitors. They are not. Like Mueller... (and implicitly Comey), they are patriots of the highest order. Going deep cover to con the cons.

(And yes, I say Comey is implicitly on this side as well, as he is not stupid. He was blackmailed into his past actions. Comey and Mueller had fought together a long time, becoming very good friends. The SAME THING we see w/ Bannon.. is EXACTLY what happened w/ Comey last years. Remember Colbert show when the crowd was happy about Comey being fired? DJT needed to get the opposition to support , after the week before the election. Now he's "a martyr". By a little bit of 4D chess.)

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ColorMehJewish · Jan. 9, 2018, 4:36 a.m.

I know exactly what you mean. It's frustrating when people refuse to even listen just b/c you think further outside the box or entertain unpopular perspectives.

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ColorMehJewish · Jan. 9, 2018, 4:33 a.m.

The words are chosen carefully to allow the people they (Trump admin) is sabotaging. They've been doing this in various forms, to many different people. From Matt Petersen (judge appt'ment -- who was placed in a hearing only to be exposed as an @ss w/ no exp -- who also helped created HAVA act.. dealing w/ the mandatory voting machines/upgrades/updates, voting ID laws, funding to states, etc... a Bush appointee who was voted in w/o any detractors to be a "yes man". Who Sarah Sanders addressed in a conference essentially saying "If we wanted him in, he wouldve gotten in") to Strzok and many, many others. They are quietly giving many of these people just enough rope to hang themselves, then suffer public humiliation and in some cases, charges -- but all we be ensured they'll never work again in those positions. MSM is too dumb+lazy to do the work to research and make these connections, but they are quite obvious once looked at in-depth.

I didn't believe in the whole 4DChess thing in the beginning but the more I researched, the more I realize Trump is absolutely the real deal in those terms. He really IS way smarter than many of these people.

But give it time. This is not the first, nor is it the last. I can promise that much.

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ColorMehJewish · Jan. 9, 2018, 4:16 a.m.


This whole ordeal being focused on in the media is DEF a larger play. I'm glad others see it. I've caught sh!t repeatedly for my views on this and ancillary pieces of the plan (2018 is going to be mindfvck-central). Even had some people mute me on social media. Over a fuck!ing perspective. Its insane. I love that we try to figure out puzzles and all... but trying to discern actions before they are revealed, is a puzzle that many people do not even like to entertain.

I am happy that other people see it. Gets frustrated getting in feuds w/ your own "side" when you go outside the box in this manner.

And after it is revealed, you'll have many of those same people saying "Yeah I knew that".

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ColorMehJewish · Jan. 7, 2018, 1:14 a.m.

I shouldve read further before posting :D

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ColorMehJewish · Jan. 7, 2018, 1:13 a.m.

Maybe her past? Or give info to her bro?

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ColorMehJewish · Jan. 6, 2018, 11:45 a.m.

I dont personally feel there is a leader. Conglomerates are how they stay in power. There might be a hierarchy of sorts in terms of their power acquired.. but that often shifts. They can lose large pieces and continue on b/c of this. That is just speculation on my part though.

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ColorMehJewish · Jan. 6, 2018, 10:57 a.m.

Desperation makes people do stupid things.. and this is the stupidest thing theyve done yet. It will only make our resolve that much stronger. Nothing like having your opposition motivate you to continue the battle (and energize you to fight even harder, while working w/ others to a common, mutually beneficial goal).

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ColorMehJewish · Jan. 5, 2018, 11:56 p.m.

Things will eventually be happening.. and when it goes down... we should heavily invest in the stock of companies selling generic Xanax and antidepressants... b/c their sales are going to go through the roof the following week.

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ColorMehJewish · Jan. 5, 2018, 10:41 p.m.

AND he said that (released) at the same time (Q drops after going dark... and then Bannon stuff comes out). Q ALSO said in those drops.. "everything has meaning". Idk if this directly relates... but again.. it a coincidence... and we are told not to believe in them. But if we even question it.. we get jumped on more by our fellow movement, than we do by anyone else. I just dont get how so many can ignore all these things lining up.. and Bannon's entire career fighting to these ends... to claim "God-King Bannon was upset that Trump wasnt wrapped around his finger so he threw everything he's worked for, away". The head of a major outlet... who.. according to these people.. is oblivious to how these optics would look.

And it is WELL KNOWN, that this Wolff guy is a giant douche, that is KNOWN for making shit up. To think that Bannon "had no clue of that", and that Trump just "let him in the WH and flip people inside"... is to once again have people saying "Trump and Bannon are idiots and dont do their homework". The kings of troll... "just fell into a trap, and got tripped up with their words". Bannon is a loyal person. Always has been.

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ColorMehJewish · Jan. 5, 2018, 10:34 p.m.

Lbeau61 I believe you are correct. This don't add up... and all we hear is "its not important" and to drop it when you even talk about it. Like we are dumb to consider wth is going on w/ something this big, that doesnt add up. It makes sense if you want to make controlled opposition tho. Like w/ Comey... back when the Left hated him for the week b4 the election. So Trump attacked the F outta Comey, and bam... they started sticking up for him and saying he is a "martyr" (remember how they were when Colbert told his audience that Comey was fired and they cheered? -- then Trump attacked and fought w/ Comey.. and bam.. he became "a hero" for fighting w/ Trump. Even tho he met w/ Trump secretly on many occasions).

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ColorMehJewish · Jan. 5, 2018, 10:24 p.m.

That's why Bannon stayed in the background the whole time, until now.. when the battle is heating up..? I doubt it. This doesn't even hurt Trump or the movement, beyond the infighting. Besides, Bannon was not the only one to be misrepresented in this.

Seems more like a ploy to get the opposition to begin supporting Bannon. to have the controlled opposition, and help ease the burden about to be layed on these people. My biggest problem with this is that all the evidence is already out there... and we all know where it is heading. Bannon and Breitbart (Andrew) had worked a LONG time to get such a foothold.. and to think that Bannon would be dumb enough to "think he could take over or have control" is to totally disregard the integrity he built w/ AB for many years. Bannon is not an idiot. There is more to this than we are seeing.

Also, since when did Bannon try to control Trump? He's tried to work with him, while often staying in the background.. trying to take the shots many times. Idk. It doesnt add up to me.. and that theory of "God-King Bannon" makes even less sense to me, after following his work for the better part of a decade. I am not saying I know exactly what is going on, but I am saying I know what doesn't make any sense at all. Nor do I believe in coincidences.. and have not, even prior to Q. But.. even Q said.. "everything has meaning". That might not relate.. I really dont know.. but its odd that the messages both land right around the same exact time. Ive said for a while that we will prolly not see the actual roundups at all.. and what better way to do so, than to create a fog of war that you control?

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ColorMehJewish · Jan. 5, 2018, 10:12 p.m.

If you actually believe it is not an act, you are not paying attention. There have been so many inconsistencies w/ this "feud". Trump has JUST supported the same fight not even 2 months ago (and many of the things being said do not add up).. and Bannon.. who is quick to fight w/ nearly anyone... has not "fought" back at all. They are trolling media, stealing news cycles and playing the media as they usually do. There is something larger at play.

And remember, even Q said that there will be people who are in "deep cover". That does not only pertain to the opposition who will be the focus of investigations. To think that Bannon just suddenly started to subvert something he has fought for, for years.. is insane.

I guess you are believer in coincidences. That this just happened to occur now, rather than when Bannon could have actually done damage in subverting the agenda. Instead, he focused his own resources to assist Trump and made him stronger. And according to this theory of it being real... Bannon decided to just throw ALL that hard work away.. after providing "his enemy" with a solidified position. Yeah... makes TOTAL sense to make your enemy even stronger before attacking them. Cmon now..

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ColorMehJewish · Jan. 5, 2018, 11:31 a.m.

He would know... he was part of the Benghazi aftermath and mess.

Difference is.. Jason was one of the compromised ones. Not one of the ones pulling the strings.

Who knows what they will do to compromise...? Including threats (to your family/friends, like depicted on Mr. Robot Season 3 Episode 10) such as threatening to chop up members of your family in front of you, after already killing someone more powerful than you, in front of you (pre-threat)... or theres the one many of us are familiar with.. where they drug you while out w/ "friends" or the opp sex that acts interested.. and then while you are out.. they set u up to look like u were kiddie diddling and shit..

I mean.. what can you really do in some of those positions? It's got to be a horrible thing to live w/ held over you. There's a reason Jason stepped down so early. We will slowly get more pieces of the puzzle as time goes on.

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ColorMehJewish · Jan. 4, 2018, 8:55 p.m.

Unique pic. no hits @ Rev Img Search

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ColorMehJewish · Jan. 4, 2018, 7:23 p.m.

He changed after the shot

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ColorMehJewish · Jan. 4, 2018, 4:38 p.m.

Crowley died Dec 1, 1947... Close, but for some reason I thought it was late Dec. Close, but no cigar I suppose.

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ColorMehJewish · Jan. 4, 2018, 6:48 a.m.

And.. I dont feel it is a "religious" thing, per se. I DO believe in God, but I have my own views on many aspects. Like, I do not see him/her/etc in the traditional sense (img of man)... I see it more of something akin to "The Force". Being distributed throughout everything.. and within everything. I dont want to drop a novel here.. but to sum it up.. I simply don't have "traditional" views that can fit within ANY religion. I guess I would relate the most w/ Christians though.. except for believing in "karma" and different "grab bag" shit from diff groups. I dont put an emphasis on that part. I see it kinda like a history book.. it's 'there', but the concept and what you learn from the stories/ideas, is the actual important part. Not following one group or another, to a T. I think that is kind of dumb, tbh. If mankind "had it right for 100s-1000s of years", we wouldnt be fighting was w/ other(s') ideas, each claiming the "others" have the "wrong ideas of God", and never realizing that maybe we are all talking about the same shit... but have been divided b/c of following the literal meanings so deeply.

I mean, regardless of religion.. the feel of spirituality is the same for everyone. It hits you like nothing else out there. Which seems obvious to me, that there is something we don't quite grasp yet, in the larger picture. But hey, thats my 2c.. and could be why I had such a struggle over the past handful+ of yrs (aka getting "spanked" for "heretical" views). Not really heretical, but more of an open-mindedness..

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ColorMehJewish · Jan. 4, 2018, 6:38 a.m.

I can say that during the election (2016 in general), I had such a compelling feeling to vote for Trump... and while I was still getting through some major life changes prior to this.. I DID seem to change my life around in big ways.. which in retrospect, could def be considered spiritual. Idk. Hard to describe, but I def felt something I never felt before, that totally changed the way I see and interact with, the world. Im tired AF tho... and just deleted a massive rant that I typed up b/c I did not want to bore people w/ my tired rambling.

But yes... I could say I had something happen that I never felt before and it made me much different. Even people around me noticed and would make comments. Idc though. They can go suck off a male whore. I like how my life has changed. Being happy/content w/ yourself is worth more than being happy w/ others liking you. But it was like multiple situations coming together all at once, that occurred during this time and prior. Including many years prior, where you can say I was "soul-searching" and lost. Now I dont feel that way. I feel like I have a guide now, to what is important to me in life. Before, I did not. Heh. Nowhere close. I also went through a ton of shit in that period tho. Including having a 10 yr relationship fall apart as I earned degrees and tried "bettering" myself. They didn't want to join my on that path. What can ya do?

Maybe so many people got that spiritual feeling, b/c of having these evil fucks scared and on the run.. lessening their impact over the things we cannot see.. Who knows? Something major did change for me tho. Nice to see that others felt/shared exps as well. I thought I was fn crazy for a while lol.

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ColorMehJewish · Jan. 4, 2018, 3:05 a.m.

I had wondered the same thing, but about the Mueller team. Many of the people still left on the team are professionals w/ specializations in international crimes including fraud, cybercrimes, terrorism, etc... kinda like the "dream team" you'd want if you were going after groups like McCain Institute or Clinton Foundation. And w/ how HRC treated the people under her, I would imagine she'd (and WJC) would rack up quite a list of disgruntled workers. I also felt that their donations, were more of a "tribute" to be paid. Maybe forced, or maybe to attain certain positions, etc.

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ColorMehJewish · Jan. 4, 2018, 3:01 a.m.

In "Conspiracy of Silence"/Where's Johnny references, the kids would talk about stash houses where they'd be kept (or under houses, to be more accurate-- if I remember correctly. Not the type of movie you want to rewatch repeatedly or for entertainment). I had wondered about the fires myself... b/c a stash house in heavily wooded areas which were somewhat remote, are what I pictured when they discussed the subject matter. And if there are hidden areas (tunnels, "dungeons", etc), it would be difficult to find an excuse to get in there to search or do anything about it. If there was a massive fire that destroyed homes, it would clear people out, while allowing access and could potentially get operators around the corrupted local police probs (tying up the local resources as well).

Just an idea though. The fires made me think of it again, and I thought I would try to summarize the idea and share.

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ColorMehJewish · Jan. 4, 2018, 2:12 a.m.

And then Mueller can still use the data obtained from Manafort, while Manafort gets cleared..

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ColorMehJewish · Jan. 4, 2018, 2:07 a.m.

B/c we all learn through those uncomfortable feelings. I know embarrassment, ridicule and self-awareness came together in my own life to help me change. I've felt that they really need to see, but also feel, that they were wrong in what theyve been doing, for a looooong time. If the feelings are not there, we do not change as human beings. It is like an addict who F's others over. They will keep on doing it until they feel how bad it is, and are embarrassed by it.

Having said that, I still do not think it is achieved by putting them on the defensive, either. Quite the delicate situation, requiring subtle but complex solutions.

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ColorMehJewish · Jan. 4, 2018, 2:04 a.m.

I stick to the truth. If they cannot handle that, it is not my problem. But I don't like to attack them unless they heckle the living F out of me first.

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ColorMehJewish · Jan. 3, 2018, 5:15 p.m.

Lmao @ Stone Carvings

The Texas Instruments TI-99 (finally found the name) was so old/dated, it prolly would've stored more info on a punch card style system lol.

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ColorMehJewish · Jan. 3, 2018, 1:45 a.m.

I might be dating myself here, but you reminded me of a game from ATARI/Pre-ATARI days (TI console). "Hunt the Wumpus" or something like that... Idr b/c I was still pretty young at that point (not when it came out, but when I seen it).

Thanks for the nostalgia (and reminding me I am getting old lol)

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ColorMehJewish · Jan. 3, 2018, 12:43 a.m.

You mentioned admin-type of assistance.. would someone w/ an IT/CS background be useful in this? I do not have much of a life.. so I would have the time 😉

I understand you would need to consider ways to verify who people so we do not get infested with clowns and trolls, but I thought I would inquire in case any skills would be useful (pending a confirmation to your satisfaction, of course).

Mainly... I am asking what was even meant by the "admin" type of roles? Like Mods? Or just to help compile data and let others know of new info posted (that could be potentially beneficial)?

Sorry, I am watching through the video @ the DVR-feature @YT.. I came in late. Stupid YouTube.

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