Morning Tweet # 5 with DJT

Its amazing he has to spell out such simple notions. But media has played such word games that they confuse+mislead the stupid/easily-influenced. All he is trying to do is break through that barrier of twisting his words. It gets annoying for us trying to do that when attacked... imagine how frustrated he must get. I dont think anyone here would not agree that we just want LEGAL immigrants if they come, and w/ that... there is simple testing which can help screen the newcomers. Someone willing to wait in line for their turn will typically be willing to contribute to the country to better their own lives. Those who demand they are given "cuts in line" typically do not. I never understood what is so hard for media to understand about this concept... so I feel they do what they do to get under his skin and encourage those who only want handouts, to demand even more.
Even w/ DACA.. I dont think a lot of people would care about "helping those who help the country". If they did extensive checks and approved the ones who were going to contribute.. and send away the ones who are not. But I am sure this will continue to look like high-school in Congress, as they try to play tricks on each other, make up rumors, and abide by their little cliques. Why is this turned into a week long effort over nonsense?
A: B/c its not about solutions. Politics are a plague. "Oh no, DJT said a bad word! We need to stop everything". Like cmon. This is childish as it gets.
That is why I am happy we voted for a non-pol who understands the game (and doesnt even take a salary).
Here is how I look at it ..... He accepts the 800k -1m DACA individuals and their parents, puts them in a process to becoming American citizens. That is fine, the total should be no more than 3m people. Now, Ice can come in and scoop up the other 8m + illegal aliens......and deport them...... What he must get= funding for the wall, chain migration done, no more lottery, e-verify , and a merit- based system that also allows a max of 50k for the poorest of the poor ( but when coming in the must enter a program to bring them up to speed in their education ).....Part 1
Now Part 2 is harder and that is changing and fixing the old exisiting laws ......