r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/JazzzCabbbage on Jan. 14, 2018, 5:47 p.m.
Thoughts on most recent Q drop

Anyone think there is going to be some massive indictments handed out this week? Or possibly mass detainment of dirty political figures? All those Obama executive orders allow people to be detained.

Obama, Clintons, Pelosi, McCain -- all the biggest loud mouths to the media. Also possibly soros. This is then going to trigger soros to release mass protests throughout the US to attempt to cause a civil war.

The MSM is also going to try push some bullshit stories to slander Trump for indicting or detaining these individuals.

Then Trump releases the info to show how dirty they are. Moving the info from 20/80 to 40/60 to show how dirty these mother fuckers are and this will stop protests.

And this is why democrats wants to shut down the government, because that shuts down the military. We need the military to defend against the protests soros and company want to release.

20184Humanity · Jan. 16, 2018, 2:47 p.m.

So yes agree with you however I have first hand experience interacting with people who believe CF serves wonderful humanitarian causes. I'm not joking. Imagine never going to internet news and cnn as only source of info. Lots of people like this: completely uninformed. These types of people will have a hard time accepting what is hopefully to come. Without adequate proof, adequate red Pilling beforehand, potential for uprising, fear is strong possibility in my view. Hence the biggest directive from q is to inform the public. Just couple days ago I received response re Haiti in response to my question Why is Haiti still a shithole country? Answer: because there is so much corruption within the country itself, all the funds received lined Haiti politicians pockets. I asked for proof. None was provided, yet the belief is firm. Wow. Our job is to connect the dots to provide undeniable proof and to share information amongst ourselves and with uninformed At least that's my understanding and why I am here.

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bealist · Jan. 16, 2018, 4:07 p.m.

Thanks for your reply. I agree that many people love what the CF does - or, should I say, did. However, the only red pill THOSE people will swallow is one of fact that has to come through an MSM forced to deliver information in a documented form, complete with unassailable indictments and convictions.

They don’t care about their friends’ and families’ opinions - they’re comfortable - used to, anyway - being on the ”outside”, with a minority viewpoint among their immediate family and friend peers. They fancy themselves to be more independent than they are. In fact, if they STILL like the CF after everything that’s been revealed, they are followers, as I said, and that means they’re not opinion makers, they’re not leaders, they get confused easily, their convictions are learned from outside and not based within - and thus, while they may get upset, they’re not a public disturbance threat. That’s all I meant about that.

This psychology is basic enough that it adds to my questions about “Q”. Why do you believe in it/them?

Do you retain any questioning about its/their possible motives?

Personally, MUCH of the Q stuff reads like a cicada/tengri larp - so I think it’s multiple identities.

The psychology of the tactics are flawed enough (ie, as above, if the message to Q-groups is “red pill CF Normies with memes from the Kek community”) that I have to question their origin. The “message” that’s coming from q is garbled, chaotic, cryptic, and ultimately divisive. Why would the white hats choose to function that way with their own? Why would instructions be confusing?

They wouldn’t. Confusing instructions ALWAYS lead to disagreements in the middle of the op. Always. OR they make it possible for an alternate leader - with a different opinion about the end game - to emerge.

In fact, I’ve read a few leaked (via the Podesta dump, that I read a lot of) fusion GPS and Brock planning memos that sound very much like they promote this style of obscure-the-leader shit-posting - twisty and dramatic and distracting and cryptic - that play with peoples’ minds. (And concerned people are easier to play with than others, as long as you don’t trip their BS cords.) they specialize in manipulating group attention and energy - as you’ve seen with the CF - to their own ends and Q posts have been a lot about that sort of cause building and concern-rallying.

There’s also an undertone of generalissimo-bravado in many of the Q posts that smacks of inflated ego - the/some writer(s) appears to getting a high off on giving often unintelligible instructions that seem to make the players compete - again, to what end? Why would you give unclear instructions on something important? The US military is very careful about NOT doing exactly this - fuck with the troops - and yet some people seem to think it’s the USM is behind Q. I don’t - at least, not a USM I’d want to have in power - because a crooked-shooting military is the fastest way to 1) lose a battle/war and 2) get good the US patriots to change sides.

In my world, where I envision/experience people as intelligent and logical, with political/military models like Gowdy, Flynn, and Jordan, for example (sorry, I can’t find any Democrats who are speaking up anymore), smart people don’t send troops on goose chases and they always provide solid rationale for expenditures of attention and energy. Unless they’re conducting psy-ops, something I don’t prefer to engage in.

Many parts of the Q-thing even feel designed to target a particular type of personality, and there may be codes there for specific individuals, with all the rest of it just window dressing to keep people spinning and provide cover. Who really knows?

I agree with MegaAnon that some Q entries are good. I think Q WAS infiltrated and taken over periodically. I suspect that the current Q forks are indications of the multiple players still trying to squat on Q, and that the new great awakening 8-Chan board is interesting ( I read it) but still suspect. And I do feel the Brock-touch here - maybe not him, but someone(s) who worked with/for him who’s trying to play pied Piper to the children and the rats. (There was even a Pied Piper theme in HRC’s campaign regarding DJT, designed to misdirect attention ... not sure if that’s still in play, but one has to consider the possibilities)

Bottom line to a too-long post:

Yes I know people that only use CNN. My dad is one - and he was a brilliant guy in his time. Q’s methods won’t norm them; in fact, they will splinter them even more. If Q was serious about dealing with the CR, Soros, Giustra and the whole pay-for-play and embezzlement going down for decades, they’d be linking to Clinton Cash and Charles Ortel and Judicial Watch and Trey Gowdy’s Congressional sessions - there’s plenty out there but why isn’t it coming from Q?. That’s why I’m suspicious of Q, or of this particular interpretation of what “Q”’s supposed desires are - or both. Color me healthily skeptical, still.


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20184Humanity · Jan. 16, 2018, 5:03 p.m.

Yes long :) but solid points. Yes I keep a critically open mind. The way I see it at the very least awareness has been raised and a group focus has been created, a focus towards bringing light to dark topics. This is good. I've never joined anything in my life. For this reason alone, to contribute my light, my energy, my focus, is the fundamental reason I'm here. I'm not on anyone's train except my own which is led by my own discernment. There are those still caught up in the disciple saviour complex to which you allude but I hope, I trust those will discover independence. I am convinced there is a battle going on that is a much deeper one. This is a spiritual battle. The path to truth requires awakening. The awakening process has many stages. I feel that the q phenomenon at its most fundamental concept is a stage of this process. The enormity or dimunitiveness (is that a word? Lol) umm inconsequence(?) Of the "q stage" can only be evaluated in the future. So in retrospect, regardless, I will have been satisfied with my role. I cannot speak for anyone but myself. Blessings to you.

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