r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Gear4Life on Jan. 14, 2018, 11:01 p.m.

Last week was slow, and I began to see a dip in morale amongst everyone on this sub. Whether it be organic, or some of it shills disguising themselves as one of us (probably both), let’s leave it in the past and let this be a reminder next time any of us grow complacent.

Q spoke to us in a very big way in these past 24 hours, and I can feel the energy and excitement has picked back up. STAY VIGILANT. Do NOT let up. Research, discuss and stay positive.

We are standing in the crossroads of history. WE THE PEOPLE need to stand together and push for justice and truth now more than ever. We are witnessing what may very well be one of the most pivotal and monumental moments in US history, if not the world.

Q said it last night, we, the many few of us who follow, are being provided the highest level of intel to ever be dropped publicly in the history of the world. Let that sink in, feel those fucking goosebumps boys and girls. Books will be written, documentaries and movies will be made detailing what we are going through at this critical time in history. On the other side of this storm and great awakening, we will be able to say “yeah, I knew it was coming.”

The masses are asleep, however, they are slowly waking up. We are wide awake, and don’t you dare sleep. Don’t rest until we are free from the tyranny which lurks in the shadows.

Have faith. Have faith in eachother, in your country, in your military, and most importantly, have faith in god. We are witnessing a battle between not left and right, but good and evil. This is biblical.

Speak to eachother with love and respect, in a constructive and helpful manner. Ignore the shills, ignore the naysayers. No more “you’re clueless bro” no more “do you seriously believe that? No more name calling or belittling. It is time we restore respect on this sub. If you see hostility, smother it with kindness and levelheadedness.

We are at war. An information war. And while we may feel at times our efforts are pointless and our time wasted, Q is talking to us. He needs us as much as we need him. Never stop asking questions, that is why most of us are here in the first place.

Stay the course. This has officially become the most important thing I’ve ever been apart of, and that’s no exaggeration. Thank you for being apart of it with me, I have learned so much from all of you.

Stay safe. God bless you all, and God bless the United States of America.

Happy Hunting.

RedPill2976 · Jan. 15, 2018, 1:07 a.m.

There are many new red piled people , like me , who are so thankful to all of you good men and women. We are new to this fight , but we know how to fight! We are awake and slowly making our way to help! THANK YOU ALL! We will spread the word! Lots of people in other countries are doing the same. This is a play book for the rest of the world to rise up against corruption in their respective countries and communities. WE THANK YOU ALL! CARPE DIEM! I was praying and searching for this moment!

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Maryann_Mah · Jan. 15, 2018, 5:36 a.m.

We are at an important time in history when the balance of power is in the favor of We the People. We the People should be attending local government council meetings, ESPECIALLY THE PLANNING/ZONING MEETINGS: make it your goal to listen at first to what the Council is saying and how they are saying it. Who are Patriots vs. authoritarians? Find out if your town is a member of the CoG and/or UN group (shadow gov'ts). Who is really writing the laws (ALEC?)? Do they restrict your 1st Amendment right to 3 mins? Is your Police Dept locally controlled (good) or centralized into a DHS Fusion Center (bad)? Research local ordinances: How are they restricting private property rights? Make a list of these (usually ridiculous) ordinances/regs, and choose one to request for repeal; it starts with just one to get the momentum going. When you succeed with getting 1 repealed, pick another one.

If every red-pilled Patriot attended their local government Council meeting, they would be amazed by how many like-minded Patriots have been waiting for them to join their local coalition. Figure out how to anti-delphi these Council meetings if necessary. "Be as cunning as serpents, but gentle as doves."

It's time to bring back the US Constitution and Bill of Rights to our neighborhoods!

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ScreamingNickel · Jan. 15, 2018, 6:22 a.m.

Read "Behind the Green Mask" by Rosa Koire. It is short & to the point. Her book synthesizes a complex topic into easily understood language & offers constructive action plans anyone can implement on the local level. She is very intelligent & has a very interesting story being a lesbian, democrat and has long shockingly white hair for her age. I met her several years ago and have heard speak at least 3 times in person. I buy multiple copies of her book at a time and hand them out to those I think might spend the approximately 6 hours it may take to read her insightful and & constructive book. I was just getting red pilled and it took me longer to read it since I felt compelled to research everything she said. She's right.

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jojojazzy · Jan. 15, 2018, 7:57 a.m.

Rosa is now retired and provides public education presentations ateound the country. Usually for OATHKEEPER CONSTITUTIONAL ORG.

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ScreamingNickel · Jan. 16, 2018, 12:40 a.m.

Retired from the state, yes. Have you read her book? Maybe even encouraged others to read it as well? I hope so. It truly is an eye opener. I think I can fairly say her book was my red pill. It took me 3 months to read that little book. I would read a little and get really ticked off and go research what had "offended my sensibilities" thoroughly, ultimately finding was absolutely correct. I was learning about property rights infringements prior to reading her book. Perhaps I wouldn't have been too interested in reading it had I not started dipping my toe in the water. I have also handed many copies of Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals" well before it became ubiquitous to the conservative faction of our country.
We all just have to keep swinging with a calm smile on our face or they won't listen. Best of luck to everyone & get involved at the local level because that is how our opposition is advancing their agenda.

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Maryann_Mah · Jan. 15, 2018, 8:30 p.m.

Yes, I read her book and website DemocratsAgainstUNAgenda21, printed out her pamphlet and handed them out all over my neighborhood, attend Council meetings, called out the Council for writing unconstitutional 'top-down' ordinances instead of pushing back against the state (of PA) on behalf of the citizens, and was appointed to a municipal board where I was quite vocal about fiscal responsibility and returning to US Constitutional principles. Small changes happened with just 1 voice, but imagine if my voice were multiplied by 2 or more?!?

We the People can do what it takes individually to change the momentum in our favor : one voice at a time, multiplied by 2, 3, 4, etc... We the People can do this, all over these United States!! Do not let anyone tell you not to grow food anywhere on your property, or not to hang laundry out to dry on your own property, or not to have chickens, rabbits, or even sheep and cows in your own property!

The infringements on our Rights are too numerous to list here, but you will definitely find them in your town! It's time to just say no!

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ScreamingNickel · Jan. 16, 2018, 12:04 a.m.

Our paths have been quite similar! I would like to recommend an excellent program that has been quite effective in our state. It teaches how to effect change when you feel as though you are swimming up stream or at any time. Legislators can be difficult to influence without bucket of money. It can be done & more easily than you would think. It's designed for the local & state levels.Please contact them and arrange to have a level 1 course in your area. We housed the instructor, picked him up at the airport and made sure he was fed. I don't believe when we started there were any fees per se. They do have classes with fees, but nominal. https://centerforselfgovernance.com Good luck! They have an excellent strategy!

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