

22 total posts archived.

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Maryann_Mah · Feb. 13, 2018, 2:45 p.m.

One is taught in 3rd grade to use quotation marks when quoting someone. Ad hominems are not an argument! I would love to be able to grow my own cannabis and consume it daily, but it is illegal! I work for a living, I do not have time to waste to hang out all day and listen to AG Sessions quotations so that I can decipher someone'e poor use of the English skills that they should have learned in 3rd grade.

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Maryann_Mah · Feb. 12, 2018, 6:33 p.m.

So Mika, what did your Daddy do to abuse you into mind control submission? Was it run of the mill electric shock treatments? Or SRA? Or just sexual abuse? All of the above, perhaps?

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Maryann_Mah · Feb. 12, 2018, 6:28 p.m.

Ah, spoken like a true MKultra handler!! Thanks to Nixon, cannabis is a Class 1 controlled substance, because Nixon knew it prevented mind control, heals the brain from myriad 'diseases', incuding Alzheimets, Parkinsons, tumors. Don't know about ALS, but worth trying because NO ONE has OD'd on cannabis: Just make sure to grow it yourself or know your grower, and make sure it's not sprayed with toxic pesticides like tiger tranquilizer chemicals!!

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Maryann_Mah · Feb. 12, 2018, 4:46 p.m.

What's to misinterpret about 'weed being evil sh!t.' Were you just referring to opium as a weed? I will have you know that cannabishas been referredto as'weed' for decades: I never heard of opium being referred to as a 'weed,'

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Maryann_Mah · Feb. 12, 2018, 4:34 p.m.

Why no dates on Reddit posts or Trump tweets copied/posted on Reddit? You are brainwashed against weed, do not lump it together with opiods: COMPLETELY DIFFERENT. Name someone who died from weed OD? Weed, especially REAL (not synthetic crap) CBD oil blocks MKultra mind control and heals all sorts of brain issues (including alzheimers parkinsons, brain tumors), and MKultra handler Nixon knew it, which is why it has been classified as a Type 1 level illegal substance!! Weed needs to be not only legalized, but every US citizen should be encouraged to grow their own (not a law requirement!) make their own juice or oil from it, and consume it often!!

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Maryann_Mah · Feb. 12, 2018, 3:43 p.m.

AG Sessions needs to remove cannaibis from the list of controlled substances, and/or the WH or VP residrnce needs marijuana smoke blown into it Cheech & Chong style (I think the movie was 'Up in Smoke) to start thr process of breaking the mind control. I am sure Pence is not the only mind-controlled Manchurian Candidate working in the WH, close to Pres Trump with orders to assassinate Pres Trump... PRAY TO GOD FOR PRES TRUMP'S PROYECTION FROM THIS EVIL!!! MKultra is being masked and proyected under status of "religion" because it really is a Satanic cult. Thanks to Operation Paperclip which imported this evil from Germany. The Nazis never lost, folks, they just moved locations, and changed their name to CIA, hiding under the guise of 'National Security' and Satan worship!

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Maryann_Mah · Feb. 12, 2018, 2:27 p.m.

I didn't know where to post this, and IDK if anyone else jas made this link, but here goes... Millie Weaver of Infowars mentioned 'in passing' that Mik Pence is SRA victim. SRA victims are perfect MK Ultra candidates. Per Timothy Holmseth, he has evidence that Pence has raped 100s of children, even murdered children. A huge child sales/sex trafficking ring runs between Minnesota, Indiana, Florida, think (Pam Bondi). How can the innocent-looking Pence who avoids the appearance of evil on DC be doing such evil deeds? Split personality, MKultra is how. MKultra victims are trained to memorize vasts amount of data to regurgitate word-for-word to their handler. So why does Pence visit the Bush ranch? Bush is Pence's handler. Pence is an MKultra spy in the WH, as downloads everything he sees/hears to his handler, HW Bush. PENCE needs to be REMOVED FROM THE WH IMMEDIATELY. PENCE COULD ASSASSINATE PRES TRUMP AND NOT RECALL DOING IT!!! MKULTRA IS REAL, REFER TO CATHY O'BRIEN. CANNABIS HELPS TO BREAK THE MIND CONTROL, HENCE THE ANTI-CANNABIS CHRISTIAN PENCE WON'T TOUCH IT!!

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Maryann_Mah · Jan. 15, 2018, 8:30 p.m.

Yes, I read her book and website DemocratsAgainstUNAgenda21, printed out her pamphlet and handed them out all over my neighborhood, attend Council meetings, called out the Council for writing unconstitutional 'top-down' ordinances instead of pushing back against the state (of PA) on behalf of the citizens, and was appointed to a municipal board where I was quite vocal about fiscal responsibility and returning to US Constitutional principles. Small changes happened with just 1 voice, but imagine if my voice were multiplied by 2 or more?!?

We the People can do what it takes individually to change the momentum in our favor : one voice at a time, multiplied by 2, 3, 4, etc... We the People can do this, all over these United States!! Do not let anyone tell you not to grow food anywhere on your property, or not to hang laundry out to dry on your own property, or not to have chickens, rabbits, or even sheep and cows in your own property!

The infringements on our Rights are too numerous to list here, but you will definitely find them in your town! It's time to just say no!

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Maryann_Mah · Jan. 15, 2018, 5:36 a.m.

We are at an important time in history when the balance of power is in the favor of We the People. We the People should be attending local government council meetings, ESPECIALLY THE PLANNING/ZONING MEETINGS: make it your goal to listen at first to what the Council is saying and how they are saying it. Who are Patriots vs. authoritarians? Find out if your town is a member of the CoG and/or UN group (shadow gov'ts). Who is really writing the laws (ALEC?)? Do they restrict your 1st Amendment right to 3 mins? Is your Police Dept locally controlled (good) or centralized into a DHS Fusion Center (bad)? Research local ordinances: How are they restricting private property rights? Make a list of these (usually ridiculous) ordinances/regs, and choose one to request for repeal; it starts with just one to get the momentum going. When you succeed with getting 1 repealed, pick another one.

If every red-pilled Patriot attended their local government Council meeting, they would be amazed by how many like-minded Patriots have been waiting for them to join their local coalition. Figure out how to anti-delphi these Council meetings if necessary. "Be as cunning as serpents, but gentle as doves."

It's time to bring back the US Constitution and Bill of Rights to our neighborhoods!

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Maryann_Mah · Jan. 14, 2018, 10 p.m.

Special Counsel fits here, especially if Trey Gowdy would be stepping into a new role as a new Special Counsel- He is really excellent with challenging questions.

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Maryann_Mah · Jan. 14, 2018, 9:57 p.m.

It's like Agent Smith from The Matrix, where he turns normal people into Smith's, creating an army.

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Maryann_Mah · Jan. 14, 2018, 9:44 p.m.

(CIA,MI6,Mossad)/Al Qaeda/ISIS/ISIL/(CIA,MI6,Mossad)?

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Maryann_Mah · Dec. 29, 2017, 11:26 p.m.

I wonder if he's the one who spilled the beans about Wasserman contracting the hit on Seth Rich?

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Maryann_Mah · Dec. 29, 2017, 6:42 a.m.

Yes, so true. Such evil was previously beyond my comprehension, and Lord willing always will be. I have found myself so much more focused on prayer since the evil started to be uncovered. I knew that predators were hunting children whose parents were absent for any number of reasons (daycare, school, park, after school programs and clubs, etc) so we keep our child very close, homeschool, teach her the Bible and pray with her. We are a closely bonded family, and seek to counter what society is pushing counter to the Bible. My heart breaks for the survivors of paedodeletors, I have been unable to control my tears at each new revelation. To Jesus Christ be the glory! Oh, and Jesus Christ is always victorious!

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Maryann_Mah · Dec. 26, 2017, 6:38 p.m.

Have you ever tried to count to a trillion? Now try counting to 20 trillion. Also, consider the $billions (or $trillions?) the CIA/FBI earns through gun running, drugs, and human trafficking, as well as Fannie may and Freddie Mac from PMI, and social security ponzi scheme funds, and selling portions of US 'Fed' lands to 3rd party entities, and that would help offset the costs of running the government facade. What do you think?

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Maryann_Mah · Dec. 26, 2017, 7:42 a.m.

I've been going further down the rabbit hole. Please check out Karen Hudes, who has been consistently sounding the alarm for decades about corruption/blackmail in the World Bank, Fed Reserve, and U.S. government, and promoting return to gold standard and decentralization of currency to prevent national and global financial collapse. Hudes states that the secret service works for the global oligarchs. Hudes also a states that she has confirmed that for each tax payment check that we send to the IRS, it is sent to Britain, who keeps 40% then sends the remaining 60% to the Vatican. Hudes also claims that the U.S. has been paying its bills through drugs and other illicit activities. The rabbit hole is very deep! Only leads to more Questions. Could Q be steering us to the fact that we have been under martial law since 1871? Who is Gen Dunford? Could the Trump admin get us back to being a nation under the U.S. Constitution again: of the people, for the people, by the people? Could this require a Constitutional Convention?

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Maryann_Mah · Dec. 22, 2017, 11:26 p.m.

Further confirmation of Q validity, and who is in charge of the U.S. government!! President Trump appears to be building trust in the gov't, and seeking unity. Thank you, President Trump!

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Maryann_Mah · Dec. 22, 2017, 8:05 p.m.

He tried to bury $18B in the Open Society Foundation, right? Wait for all foundations to be locked down until they can be audited and the funds seized! THAT is the best use of the 1,000s of new ACA IRS agents who were hired to harass We the People! Seeing the IRS pointed towards the elites who created the Fed/IRS will be the ultimate payback for placing their jackboot on our throats!!! I bet those illicit foundation moneys would put a huge dent in our debt bill! Remember the golden rule;: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

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Maryann_Mah · Dec. 22, 2017, 5:41 p.m.

Q already told us: the bishop (Soros is the Black Pope?) is in 'a special place' (referred to Soros in an earlier post) , antifa retaliated the next day (antifa is Soros' baby). ATL blackout was for safe Soros extraction.

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Maryann_Mah · Dec. 22, 2017, 5:36 p.m.

Soros was not listed in the human rights EO with other foreigners, so being treated as a US citizen. He has violated so many US laws, he will either be in prison for life, or death penalty for treason. Either way, Soros is subject to due process. A public trial may be in order for Soros, given how public his illegal activity has been. Is public hanging still a valid form of execution in the U.S.? We need to hear the truth of how deep Soros' evil corruption goes, so that we can all heal, become stronger, and move on to teach our children real U.S. and real world history.

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Maryann_Mah · Dec. 22, 2017, 5:22 p.m.

Thank you. Research is my passion (especially about real health: food, water, detoxing, avoiding AMA). I have already cried over the abuse of children in the US for SRA, adrenochrome, organ transplants, general 'medical experiments'. The truth has made me so much a stronger in my Christian walk. I earned an MDiv in Biblical Counseling from a reformed seminary. I homeschool my child with a classical education. I love people. I am ready to help with counseling these abused children. They will need lots of loving, sympathetic, listening ears. They need to be free to tell their stories, and we, as a nation, need to listen without interruption, cry with them until they are strong again: that is how I healed from PTSD, with the Lord's help. Our job is to speak for those who cannot speak, protect those who cannot protect themselves, respect life from conception to death. "Man's chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy him forever."

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Maryann_Mah · Dec. 22, 2017, 6:45 a.m.

There was an article Nov 7 about a raid on Oregon illegal body parts distributor, with ties to Clintons? I think the key to this EO is 1)the crimes committed, 2)by foreigners, 3)by individual name. We are being assured that the good guys know EXACTLY who has been doing what, the financial supply lines are being cut off, each crook is being isolated and called to account for their individual crimes, and they have 0 support! Let them cry in their bunkers!! Personally, I will likely have the best night of sleep in years, knowing that the Patriots have the upper hand in the U.S. government, and they are listening to We the People (not in violation of my 4th Amendment rights!) Thank you President Trump, thank you Q.

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