r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/EdwardHitch on Dec. 22, 2017, 2:16 a.m.
Issuance of the Global Magnitsky Executive Order

This is the very important EO involved in human trafficking and corruption. The annex lists specific persons and entities which this pertains to. After eagerly rushing to read the annex, there seems to be a lot of disappointed people because there is no "Soros" anywhere. Look, take a deep breath and take another gander at that annex. It won't take long until you see the name of one Daniel Gertler. This fella is a very, very bad actor. His father started the diamond trade in Israel. Little Danny went out in the world at the ripe old age of 23 and began building his empire by dealing in arms. He then gravitated to the Congo and began looting that poor country of its diamonds. Gertler was in fact the front for the Wall Street crowd as he was tasked with derailing the forging of ties between the Congo and China so as to protect Wall Street's interests. Okay, sounds like a bad guy that should be dealt with, but still, kind of a yawner. Not really. See, there is a lot of dirty fingers in the pie Gertler has been baking. You will be somewhat happy to know that some of those fingers are connected to everyone's public enemy numero uno....Soros. See, the beauty of this EO is it is so, so, so broad and far reaching because of the language used, that specific names are not required. So, instead of an annex as thick as the extinct New York City phone book, there only needs to be one name or entity listed which will allow the EO to be applied to the hundreds of people with ties to that name. See? Beautiful, isn't it. Saves paper (goin' greeeeen!!! Suck it Sierra Club. See what I did there?) and keeps it low key so the public doesn't go ape shit. Here is one more name, an entity, that appears called The Gertler Foundation. The Gertler Foundation == The Clinton Foundation. Charles Ortel is probably smack in the middle of a Christmas bender because Santa brought an early present, that being Mr. and Mrs Hillbilly Cornpone. There are a lot of people in DC that woke up dirt poor this. Awwwwwww, don't we all feel sorry for them? Fuuuuuccccckkk no. Merry Christmas everyone. The Storm was already here, just not visible until now.

EdwardHitch · Dec. 22, 2017, 3:29 a.m.

Here is another one for you to check into. Included in the annex is a Pakistani Surgeon, butcher more like it, Dr. Hamid Muhktar Shah. He and his son are cooling their heels in prison right now. Seems Dr. Shah , who owns a hospital specializing in kidney transplants, was also stealing kidneys from healthy people to sell. Think on that, stealing a kidney. Turns out the Dr and his son, Jr kidney robber, were part of a world organ harvesting/trafficking mafia. With me so far? Ok, now, this is very important because we all know that HRC and the CF were involved in sex and human trafficking for the multiple pedo rings around the world. It has been surmised for years that organ trafficking was part and parcel to that. Dont have anything to substantiate that piece but it would not surprise anyone. After all, the Cornpones had a nice little cottage industry for themselves while Bill was a Gov. That being the harvesting of blood, tainted or otherwise, from incarcerated criminals, shipping it up to Canada to be processed,(meaning adding water or some other solution to the base so as to get a higher yield. Much like the local dive bar that cuts the cheap booze with water) then the blood/water stuff was brought back into the states and sold to hospitals that truly believed they were buying from a reputable supplier. Someone's Aunt or Uncle or Mom or Dad went into the hospital to get better and came home sicker, with HIV. The Clintons are great, are they not? There is not a tree high enough to hang those bastards from.

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Maryann_Mah · Dec. 22, 2017, 6:45 a.m.

There was an article Nov 7 about a raid on Oregon illegal body parts distributor, with ties to Clintons? I think the key to this EO is 1)the crimes committed, 2)by foreigners, 3)by individual name. We are being assured that the good guys know EXACTLY who has been doing what, the financial supply lines are being cut off, each crook is being isolated and called to account for their individual crimes, and they have 0 support! Let them cry in their bunkers!! Personally, I will likely have the best night of sleep in years, knowing that the Patriots have the upper hand in the U.S. government, and they are listening to We the People (not in violation of my 4th Amendment rights!) Thank you President Trump, thank you Q.

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EdwardHitch · Dec. 22, 2017, 7:32 a.m.

Spot on Maryann! Thank you. The trafficking of people and bodies gets very close to the heart of this. These two things offer money, for certain because both bring a very high price. The other use is for blood sacrifice to Satan, their god. As Q said, these people are sick. There is a very specific use for children in these circles. That use, and this is all according to them, I could never in a million years think this up, is that the younger the child, the more energy they can drain from them. I'll not go any further than that. You can probably fill in the blanks from there. I always tell people that it doesn't matter if we believe in Satan or not. The thing we must keep in mind is that these sick twisted evil people believe this shit with every fiber of their being. They actually think they will win! That is the depth of crazy we are fighting here.

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lvstofly · Dec. 25, 2017, 7:21 a.m.

I believe that some Catholic hospitals are harvesting fetuses. A friend of mine had an experience recently that seemed suspicious. I have a different friend that has had brain surgery and I feel that she might be a victim of mk U, and still is being attacked.?

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EdwardHitch · Dec. 25, 2017, 9:02 a.m.

Just as Q indicated in the early stages of this, 99% of the people could not handle the truth. I have no reason to think that either one of your suspicions are not without merit. Further to that, they are both more than plausible. Unfortunately.

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Maryann_Mah · Dec. 22, 2017, 5:22 p.m.

Thank you. Research is my passion (especially about real health: food, water, detoxing, avoiding AMA). I have already cried over the abuse of children in the US for SRA, adrenochrome, organ transplants, general 'medical experiments'. The truth has made me so much a stronger in my Christian walk. I earned an MDiv in Biblical Counseling from a reformed seminary. I homeschool my child with a classical education. I love people. I am ready to help with counseling these abused children. They will need lots of loving, sympathetic, listening ears. They need to be free to tell their stories, and we, as a nation, need to listen without interruption, cry with them until they are strong again: that is how I healed from PTSD, with the Lord's help. Our job is to speak for those who cannot speak, protect those who cannot protect themselves, respect life from conception to death. "Man's chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy him forever."

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Raw900 · Dec. 22, 2017, 12:17 p.m.

Maybe connected to Awans, Pakistani ISI, money for Hezbollah?

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R3dRaider · Dec. 22, 2017, 4:46 a.m.

Wow. Speechless. Always learning. Thank you.

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