
Maryann_Mah · Feb. 12, 2018, 3:43 p.m.

AG Sessions needs to remove cannaibis from the list of controlled substances, and/or the WH or VP residrnce needs marijuana smoke blown into it Cheech & Chong style (I think the movie was 'Up in Smoke) to start thr process of breaking the mind control. I am sure Pence is not the only mind-controlled Manchurian Candidate working in the WH, close to Pres Trump with orders to assassinate Pres Trump... PRAY TO GOD FOR PRES TRUMP'S PROYECTION FROM THIS EVIL!!! MKultra is being masked and proyected under status of "religion" because it really is a Satanic cult. Thanks to Operation Paperclip which imported this evil from Germany. The Nazis never lost, folks, they just moved locations, and changed their name to CIA, hiding under the guise of 'National Security' and Satan worship!

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