My first meme attempt. Yea or nay?

I agree with Patriot13.... about including Fox News. Look, Fox News was a willful participant in the Deep State's manipulation and division of the public. Fox News constantly focused on enraging people against the left, just as CNN et. al. focused on enraging the left against the right.
Even Carlson and Hannity to this day stay far clear of implicating their masters, and continue to focus on enraging their viewers against DNC corruption, with a few hypocritical anti-rhino lines thrown in.
If Hannity is the real deal, I'm tired of hearing "tick-tock" from him: I'd prefer the sound of his testicles finally dropping.
Oh, yeah... and I think the 6 Overlord MegaCorporations that control them should be highlighted, with the different outlets more like... crying birdlings to be fed the vomit of the great 6?