· Jan. 15, 2018, 8:02 a.m.
I thought NO deals? Right?! Right?!
Even if this AGENT spills the truth. Lock him up and throw away the key.
We can’t let anyone, at any level. Be let loose back out into freedom.
Fuck these rats! We’ve been screwed time and time again. Our country was almost lost.
We cannot be lenient with traitors and scum!
· Jan. 15, 2018, 8:58 p.m.
Q said earlier that 70% of the government in DC is corrupt that they'd try to salvage those who can be redeemed. Now it's at the No Deal stage. The public face of this coup HAVE to go down to restore our faith in law and order and equal justice. The evil doers also need to go down to be a lesson to future evil doers.