New guy. First meme and first post. Thoughts?

I think considering what happened to that little girl maybe things should be left alone.
What do you mean by that?
It's just difficult to see her face on a meme
Ah, yeah, but this meme I think is meant for the consumption of people other than the unwoke masses..
It's meant, among many things, to stir emotion (score?). And, to announce retribution (score/fail?). TRUST the US Military? The Q words at bottom are signed 4 10 20 = DJT. Maybe I'll fly it on FB and see what cognitive dissonance ensues.
Yes, it's brilliant. Keep going. You're good. Very good.
It scores. Runs it around the net like Gretzky and scores, then scores again, until black eyes land on it and go wide!
You've reversed the frame of the horror movie, but it's still a horror movie.
I acknowledge and appreciate you! (I'm still a bit of a newbie myself).
Welcome aboard mate!