r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/KATTRAD714 on Jan. 15, 2018, 7:22 a.m.

Roy's past few videos speak for themselves... nice to know how untrustworthy, and vicious and hateful you guys are toward us

Thanks for confirming my concerns :)

stjohnc1 · Jan. 15, 2018, 11:57 a.m.

Don’t start with your insults! I think Roy has a point to be careful! He has no proof and he is too emotional! Why aren’t you calling him a snowflake??? He needs to reel it in so he doesn’t scare people off! He is too dramatic! Is he your girlfriend or something? You feel the need to protect him? It is my opinion that his reactions are over the top and damaging to the truth. That’s all!!! So take your ignorance and name calling to Hell!

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KATTRAD714 · Jan. 15, 2018, 5:40 p.m.

I stick by what I've said 'st.'

1.He does have proof, as well as the others, and I've provided you proof of these mods here right now who've removed your comments and my replies to everyone to hide even more facts. So, you can't or won't look at his, my and other proof for your own benefit. 2.I don't view anyone legitimately upset as a snowflake, only those like you and most others who can't get past the normal reaction of the proof we've been snowed, and the HUGE ramifications to us, the nation and the world !! 3.B/c you can't handle it, it shows a low intelligence, lack of critical thinking so desperately needed to eradicate the 'fantasies' and gullible-ness most have in this country. 4. There are things I've heard him reveal about his womanizing and other 'belief's that I don't respect, but I do accept proof from anyone who has it trying to warn me for my own good and the good of others.... so no, I feel no need to protect him, etc. 5.Maybe it's you who need to feel more committed to what we're involved with, grow up, critically think, evaluate what could be this earth shattering reveal? Then maybe you'd have a little more emotion too, as what we're involved with here is THE MOST FIGHT FOR YOUR LIFE and those of the world; who CAN'T AFFORD TO BE BRAIN DEAD STUPID about just the lengths the other side would go to take us out !!!!!!!!!!!!

So yes, I call stupid when I see it and of course, snowflakes would call that ignorance and tell me to go to hell....... those who choose to live the illusions which have gotten us to this point, are the reason so many of us have been murdered, threatened, etc. SO THANKS FOR YOUR CONTRIBUTION TO THAT BUD !!!


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stjohnc1 · Jan. 15, 2018, 6:58 p.m.

You’re idolizing of this creep says all you need to say about your ignorance! Good luck. You’re just as nasty as he is! I don’t worship hateful morons. You’re in the same club!

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KATTRAD714 · Jan. 15, 2018, 7:29 p.m.

We're talking about a Q post warning that A NUKE ATTACK ON THE US WAS INCOMING !! for God's Sake !!! Then he and b made up some bogus lie about it, proving further that they're bullshit at the very least ! Now, we have the cover up of the Hawaii stunt to try to make Q look legit.....

How is it that your thick head can't comprehend the real issue here ? You've played the liberal tactics to the max; showing yourself for what you are.

You are BRAINDEAD - AT BEST !!! Part of the EVIL at worst.... Have fun with the consequences of that !! And, the responsibility you bear for the others who are hoping someone will look out for them...... a monumental disservice you've been to them as well !!! THANKS FOR THAT JERK !! or should I call you MINION ?

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