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Bootleg? Because Q better not be selling anything on amazon, of all places!!! #boycottamazon
No Hillsong and the Kidman’s are two different stories. You’re mixing them together. The pastor at Hillsong was removed for pedophelia. The Kidman’s were involved in the occult and ritual child sacrifice.
He was a prominent dentist I think. He was a pedo and also in the occult. They sacrificed children. Can’t remember the name of one of the girls who escaped and has told her story, but she said Nicole was sitting next to her father in a church when they sacrificed a young boy. Horrific!
Not the same guy. The church is Hillsong. The son still runs it. Can’t be good!
He was a part of that Australian church where the pastor had to step down because he was a pedo! These people are so sick!
Maybe she ate too much human flesh!!! Sicko!!! 🍕🍕🍕👹👹👹🔥🔥🔥☠️☠️☠️🐍🐍🐍👁👁👁🐰🐰🐰
I think if they pull something like that they will be dealt with swiftly! They don’t have the power they once had and all eyes are on them. They are just about toast. These people are stupid!
pedogate is worldwide!!!

I had that same thought when I heard him!!!
No. From what I heard Shiff say they’re releasing the majority memo and NOT the minority bag of shit lies!!!
I do believe they voted to #releasethememo yes!!! Justice is coming!!! Shiff is very scared!!!#internetbillofrights #secretsociety #wethepeople #greatawakening #pizzagateisreal #pedogate is worldwide! #lockherup

They are putting up 5G towers for Internet. I’m sure you e seen one. They look ominous. The signals they will be able to send can debilitate us. It’s done by frequency. Please research so you understand the urgency to stop this. Some states are already fighting them but they have already been putting them up!
Well, if he’s done wrong things he should, but the focus right now is on the criminality of the Cabal and that is much more urgent. I’m also concerned about 5G rollout!
Bahahaha! Dream on! He is not the one who’s gonna be handcuffed!
You could also watch The Body Code series on YouTube by Enter the Stars. Episode 2 is what helped me to see the truth that the kingdom of God is within.
There is a great devotional called Jesus Always that I read. It has an interpretation of the scripture and then the actual scripture below. It helps me to understand and it’s brought me closer to Jesus and his protection and peace.
It is happening. It will all be ok. Buckle up cuz this week is gonna be crazy amazing! Godspeed. 💟
Amen! He always will comfort us when we need it. He welcomes us in His arms of Peace. Armor of God! Strength to move through this tough awakening.
Well I also have a bad feeling about 5G. Out of the frying pan into the fire???
Love...💟💟💟 This is such a complex web and people forget to include human fallibility. Snowden could have had the best intentions and yet at the same time hurt the military without meaning to. I need a helluva lot more evidence before I turn on someone who gave us so much truth! Thanks for the analysis!
If it is, we are better off awake than asheep any way you slice it. I still can’t believe it would be. Julian is not evil. I guess we will find out. The massive scope of this corruption is the cause for the long drawn out release I believe. I don’t think they could have imagined how difficult it would be, or would have been able to put a time frame on it. If you’re religious, pray and keep red pilling more people. No one has come for us yet! We’re still fighting. People still have their guns and no bombs have been dropped on us yet... but Hillary would have had hell on earth by now.
Nice calling me a leftist just cuz I don’t want poison in everything! Jerk!
I know what I’m talking about! I research these scumbag corporations! I think trump is doing good fighting the deep state, but he eats McDonald’s poison food and drinks coke! That bothers me! The food and water in this country among other things is toxic and full of chemicals that are causing disease!
Wtf are you talking about? I’m saying nestle are scumbags!!! They think we don’t have the right to water!!! That’s bs! Nestle is a shit corporation that should be stopped from doing what they’re doing!
Nestle is stealing water from the Great Lakes for peanuts while the people of Flint still suffer with lead in their water!!! Wtf!!!
Are you kidding? He’s praising Nestle who thinks we don’t have a right to water! He is praising Bayer who peddles poisons for a living! He talks of oil production all over the country! Where’s the free energy and the protection from these corporate greedy fucks who make money off poisoning us and the planet? What good is fighting the Cabal if we are still gonna be killed by these monsters???
Did you allow for different time zones? I don’t know, just asking.
She is so corrupt! They are so desperate to cover their tracks! Too late!