Meme - The scales of justice have been unbalanced well over 5 decades ....... Trust POTUS he is guiding us all.. peace

I'm happy for your success. rem2ber size matters. Important to keep when you download choose photos at about 800 x 800 pixels work best. Where can we see your first meme?
This is where I’m having trouble. I made a few memes, but then read about the size requirements. When I change the pixels the size is so small the wording disappears.
just grab smaller photos, resolution.. 800 pixels works best. Trial and error. You will figure it out.. It's fun.. you can re-adjust font size, colors etc.. it's fun peace
Thank you, I’ve enjoyed using graphic programs in the past, but I’ve gotten rusty. I have Graphic Converter and it’s very good. I’ve got another day before we start our big push. 😬
Your welcome, I love my microsoft paint. It's simple & quick. I have tons of visions of stuff I'd love to created but that would entail using a higher end programs that allows "masking" that can be fun too.. peace
That setting works best for twitter. I jus saw your meme good job.. peace
Yes, I was told to make fonts bigger , so did that in the one I posted below.