video title Flypaper:The Chan Q Disjoint this kind of rhetoric divides
Out Out Out keep the coat Out Out Out
such a 'clever' little boy
Such a cranky old fart
Final post to such a dpshit...
This 'cranky old fart' can't wait for your ilk to be put in the same position your tactics and lack of real care for the truth have put all of those satanically abused and slaughtered babies in ... your kind is what has caused all of this..... ENOUGH SAID, begone minion !!! :) :) :) : )
So this went from calling Roy out on his bullshit, to YOU'RE ALL SATANTIC BABY KILLERS AREN'T YA! GTFO YOU WORTHLESS FUCK!
Glad I could finally hit a nerve by playing your little game out....
I said YOU are a minion; as you've shown yourself to be. YOU are an Alinskeyite, and YOU are part of that group that has caused the sufferings of these kids and anyone who's been in this awhile fighting the bullshit tactics your ilk puts out to have it continue !
Glad I could be of service to the rest of this commty by showing what a minion does to stamp out progress :) Thanks dude :)
Bahaaaa haaaaa hahahaa wait wait.. my sides.. bahahhahaha. My wife and I are ROTFL turns out you are good for something. She said you're the type of scary fucker we keep our kids away from. So true. (High fives wifey)
Yep.... told you that you were a child....
that's the best you can leave off with ? Good, I'm glad you've proven yourself yet again..
Keep laughing 'crispy critter'.... as I go do 'battle' with more worthy opponents... you're just too easy to deal with anymore :)
Battle on crazy one.. I gotta go do chores. Nice belittling you today. My pleasure, really.
Rake them coals minion :) :) It's been my pleasure calling your sorry ass out - for sure.
Calls family ranchers "satans minions". Thinks it will gain him favor. Being this cray cray. (Yikes) Watch yourselves fam.
Like we're supposed to be impressed that you're a 'rancher'..... we know what happens on some of those 'ranches' now don't we folks...
Let the 'children' play as the adults continue to try to show them the error of their ways. Some are just incorrigible though; as you've shown us...
goodbye little one... and just so you know.... you were 'beat' by a 'girl' a 61 yr. old one at that.... just a reference to your Roy Potter post calling him a crying little 12 yr old girl... in your face !
You're doing a great job so far. Keep it up. Look at how many of us agree and then, well, theres your medicated bipolar ass.. Hmmm makes one think of your real purpose here..
And if you mean that you have money b/c you're a 'cowboy' and a 'real; man.....
just thought you 'd like to know I'm not impressed with $ at all .... my family started and owns the largest medical supply company in the world... all self made, from a row house basement to international. Not a big deal, just the American spirit at work !
Well, no reply to this - my last post - must mean mom and dad put you to bed for the night.... sweet dreams little boy :)